Combat eliminates pests in our home

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We treat our pets well, kids snack and we always drop morsels of biscuits or crackers lying around. Pets find our home conducive.

Hold on! Cockroaches cannot be pets, they are pests!
And 小强’s nest (Xiao3 Qiang2 affectionate name for the creepy crawlies) might contain up to 200 cockroaches Yucks!

Kids lend me their toy cockroach for some OOTD shots :p

For a while, we notice cockroach nymphs appearing in our kitchen. Even after we smacked a few of them, they keep appearing!

The worst fear is we do not know how many more exists, as we cannot find their nest!

Although the nymphs are not big enough (not flying yet) to scare off human landlords, cockroaches big and small are capable of hosting and transmitting bacteria and diseases like Salmonella and E. Coli.
Cockroaches fluids and droppings might even cause allergic reactions leading to asthma symptoms.

It is hard to discourage snacking at home. If you face similar scenario at home, cockroach (and ants) baits might be the next option. We got a few packs of “Combat® Roach Killing Baits Strips and Combat® Ant Killing Baits Strips” to try at home.

Both the Cockroach and Ant baits come in small strips measuring 6cm by 1.5cm. This means we can squeeze them in tight corners, out of sight and away from kids or pets. We pasted these baits in strategic areas like at the back of our cabinets, door frames, corridors and next to rubbish chutes.
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cockroach bait

It took about 3 to 5 days to confirm the effectiveness of Combat® Roach Killing Baits Strips. We noticed a sharp reduction in the sightings of cockroach nymphs. Then we saw a bunch of dead cockroaches behind our cabinet.

Ants did not fare any better, they are not exactly our favourite pets. They are always appearing through the cracks in our wall, cabinets. No matter how we patch and seal the cracks, ants will still appear.
This is very irritating and frustrating!

We placed the ants bait along our corridors (10 to 30cm apart), and ants were immediately attracted to the bait.

Is the bait sweet or what? The ants went back to their nest, and we have not seen them again for the last 48 hours.
We suspect the queen had already been poisoned. Once we remove the queen and the nest, we have remove the source of pest infestation.
ant baits combat

Both Combat® Roach Killing Baits Strips and Combat® Ant Killing Baits Strips work similarly. Cockroaches and ants will bring the bait back to poison their queen or female roach. This secondary kill will wipe out the pests in a domino effect.

Combat® Roach Killing Baits Strips is easy to use, minimal mess and continuously target the source of the problem day and night. Seeing how effective Combat is against pests, we have place a few strips in our car too.

combat anti pests

More details about Combat Roach Killing Baits Strips and Combat Ant Killing Baits Strips can be found on their website.

– Combat Roach Killing Bait Strips: $8.95
– Combat Ant Killing Bait Strips: $8.60

Combat Roach and Ant Killing Strips, together with the rest of the Combat insecticide products are available at supermarkets, hypermarkets DIY stores, petrol marts.

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Thanks to Combat®, we have 20 packs of “Combat® Roach Killing Baits Strips and Combat® Ant Killing Baits Strips” to giveaway.

[ 10 winners will win a pack of cockroach and ant bait each ]

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE SengkangBabies Fanpage
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address)
cockroach bait

4. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

5. Contest ends 01 Aug Jul 10pm, and ten winners will be randomly picked

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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