Hello Robi, our first humanoid friend

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Hello Robi! Someone visited our family last week.

We can understand why Robi is so adorable and captured so much attention and affection.
My kids were all eager to “chat” with Robi.

“Hello Robi.
How are you?
Walk to me.
Dance for me, Robi
Robi are you boy or girl?
Robi how old are you?”


Robi is a fusion of sophisticated design and advanced Japanese technology that was designed to provide interactive companionship with the entire family.

Robi is programmed with up to 250 phases, providing fun and interactive engagement for families. Singapore’s Robi can even understand both English and Mandarin instructions πŸ™‚

As ours is a prototype unit, we need to recite the instructions in clear tone for Robi to pickup.

My own encounter with humanoid robots was in the movie Alien (staring Sigourney Weaver) more than 30 years ago. Some of the spaceship crew were actually humanoids (or droids), they look, talk and function exactly like humans.

Mention Japanese Robots and Astro Boy comes to mind. A Robot boy who helps protects Japan.
And Robi does remind me of Astro Boy when I first saw him. Watch his eyes glow as he received and acknowledged our conversation.

Video (link) : Checkout the kids dancing and doing pushups with Robi πŸ™‚

Do take note we cannot buy Robi over the counter. We need to subscribe to Robi weekly publication and build Robi from scratch. There are 70 issues to collect.
Robi magazines

The weekly educational magazine will come with Robi parts and construction instructions. Kids will also learn about Robotics and Science in each issue.
Robi subscription

First issue has a promotion price of $9.90, and subsequent issues are $28.90 each, excluding the list below:
Issue 43 (CPU): $55
Issue 62 (Physical sensor): $42
Issue 63 (Physical sensor): $42
Issue 67 (Speech recognition board): $55


I can see Robi as a companion for old folks (perhaps)?
In the near future, we humans might have to get used talking to robots, and robots doing our everyday tasks.
Robi can operate the TV and do some “mopping” today, I am sure Robotics will take over more mundane roles soon.

At the moment, Robi is still a fun novelty for our kids.
They keep saying Robi is cute and adorable, which I agree.


I attended a Robi roadshow last week, and the inventor himself Professor Takahashi shared his insights on Robi.
Robi demostration Singapore

Live demonstration of Robi building. We just need a screwdriver.
20160707 Robi demo2

More details about Robi :

– Checkout www.robi.sg to know more about Robi
Catch him performing on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

– Robi will be retailing at 7-Eleven, Books Kinokuniya, FairPrice, FairPrice Online, Giant Hypermarket, MPH Bookstores, Popular, SPC (Singapore Petroleum Company), SPH Buzz, Toy Or Game, Warehouse Club and Times Bookstores.

20160707 Robi demo5

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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