Sunday Life interviewed us about how we demostrate “Love and Affection” at home, now and then.
During Daddy and Mummy’s childhood years, our families are the conservative and traditional type. Openly Kissing and hugging are just not us. Our parents display affection in other ways, cooking your favourite food, bringing you to a show etc.
Daddy told us that it was awkward when 奶奶 hug him after he scores well in his PSLE :p
That could be the only hugging memory from his childhood.
Maybe, what he lacks during his youth, he tries to lavish on the kids.
Daddy is very comfortable kissing the kids (cheek not lips), and he believes holding their hands reinforce parents’ love and reassure them that we care.
It is definitely ok for spouse to kiss and embrace each other infront of the kids.
Outdoors is another story, we are still shy 🙂
The full article is here, checkout how other families show their affection at home.
Some of the questions posed to us :
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– Growing up, did your parents use to show you physical affection? Or did they rule solely with feather dusters and canes?
– What was your relationship like with your parents on that front (physical affection), and did it change as the years went by? Eg they became more expressive in your adulthood?
– What kinds of physical affection (kisses, hugs, etc) did they show or not show?
Any anecdotes on this front that you can recall? Be they embarrassing ones, moving memories, etc.
(Eg: When was the first time your mother/father hugged you, and what was the scenario/circumstance like? How did you feel? Awkward, embarrassed?)
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Above family photo is from the post When Mummy and Daddy kiss, we had volunteered to summit another kissing photo ♥
Who is Daddy’s Valentine?
This might seem like a dummy question, but I was that Dummy 10 years ago.
A group of Daddies (Daddy Matters) are penning their Love Stories in the run up to 14th Feb. I was going through some of the “handsome and pretty” photos from our wedding studio shoots from 2000.
Kids would be happy to caption some photos “Daddy pull your ear, orh-bee-good !”.
Children always like to ask “How, When, What and Why”.
We adults sometime face the same scenario too, especially on matters of the Heart.
When Love comes knocking, can we use use Logic or Science to derive an explanation?
Is there such a thing as 缘分 (destiny)?
“WHAT” is Romance?
爱要怎么说. I am not Romantic.
We do not celebrate Valentine’s day (gasps).
And I did not even kneel to propose !
Man, we held our wedding banquet in our humble HDB !!
Both of us do not need 14th Feb to express our Love 🙂
After our marriage, it seems more pragmatic to celebrate our union everyday then on a specific day (which only makes florists and restaurants Happy)
We are alike in that we choose 面包 over 爱情 ♥
“WHEN” did I got to know Meng Choo? “WHY” is she the one?
I got to know Meng Choo through my work.
While I was repairing PCs, she was my customer.
I remember her as friendly and approachable.
Meng Choo is frank and outspoken, sweet and unpretentious.
She always has a listening ear for her friends.
Then she left for another job, but I managed to grab her number from her colleague. (If I did not grab her number, would there be SengkangBabies today?)
We enjoy each other’s company during group outings.
Before Facebook, we had ICQ then.
Online and offline, we became good friends.
Meng Choo knew about the girls I was trying to tackle, and would even offer suggestions on how to approach a girl.
It was after a few failed dates that I realised my foolishness.
There I was, searching high and low for the perfect girlfriend, and I missed the one right infront of me!
I have always treated Meng Choo as a good buddy, then I suddenly realised I have found a GEM (明珠 literally luminous pearl).
How should I approach her, how do I express my interest to grab her hand?
My heart flutters whenever I think of her.
Is she going to be my first LOVE?
Finally, I picked up my courage and pop the question “Can you be my girlfriend?”
Actually I ask something like “Can I hold your hand?” (shy).
On hindsight, Meng Choo already knew my intentions beforehand, but she still had her reservations. I was so Glad when she finally agree to be my Steady ♥
Funny how Destiny will knock on your door when you least expect it.
“HOW” did Mummy Meng Choo agree to go steady with Daddy Andy?
Monthly anniversaries, milestones, missing you on the 61th day, we two love birds pen letters for every reason. A letter is so much more personal than an email, especially when we reveal it to the kids after a decade 🙂
Lovey Dovey and Mushy 肉麻.
Knowing that she is a 张学友 (Jackie Cheung) fan, I will memorise his lyrics and sing for her. Eventually, the song 今生注定 (translation Our Destiny in this life, by 王馨平/高明骏) defines our Love Story.
Click for song here.
We still safe keep the Love letters (not the Chinese New Year cookies).
Every letter, cartoon, and paragraph time-stamped and sealed our Love.
We do miss the freedom when we were still dating and enjoying our honeymoon.
Midnight movies, suppers, and holidays on the spur of the moment.
Till today, after 4 kids, I still cannot find an explanation on how we glued together.
Do we really need a reason for LOVE?
We would not trade anything for our Happy Family 🙂
Thank you Meng Choo, for always supporting me, even when I am unreasonable.
Thank you Darling, for making me a better man.
Let me be the man who will Cherish and LOVE you, Forever.
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥
This post is part of a Valentine’s Day series, brought to you by Daddy Matters.