Zoo Deepavali

Over the Deepavali holiday, we pop by at Singapore Zoo with our friends Heng family. Zoo is always one of our best playground, and having a “corporate card” helps πŸ™‚

We thought we have seen almost everything, from “rainy days“, to “wagon-fun
Video : Then this creature from Fragile Forest’s undergrowth came out to say Hello ! (looks like salamander)

Everyone were amused, even the ducks haha. It just goes to show our Zoo always has something waiting to surprise us. Even Mousedeer’s three generation family came out for some greens buffet, they look so adorable !

We did highlighted the bats, lemurs and mousedeer in an earlier post. Fragile Forest is now our regular haunt.

What other animals did we see?

We hope Boon Xin now knows what to do when she sees a snake? Run or Freeze?

Video : What are the other animals which caught our attention?

Kids relax and cool down at the water play area πŸ™‚

We are going to Zoo Hoo again. If you are asking us what is Zoo Hoo, do pop by our 2010 post. “Zoo Hoo” lets your child roleplay in the Zoo for one whole day !

Do take note Zoo Hoo only runs on the weekends, from 24Nov to 16Dec.
Gather more updates at this link –> http://www.zoo.com.sg/events-promos/zoohoo-12.html

A few days after our trip, we heard news that Sheba, our tropical Polar Bear has died.
Kids were sad that such a beautiful creature is gone, RIP.

If your kids love animals or farms, do try our recommendations :
Lim Chu Kang farms
Qian Hu fishing
Animal Resort (Jalan Kayu)

As usual, do pop by for more fun photos at our fanpage album.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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