Matching apparel for family

[ Modeling ]

This is our first model shoot. Technically the models and photographer are ourselves :p

For her : Ribbon-Tie Dress in Purple Floral Vines
For him : Shirt in Green Bean Stalk
Venue : Sengkang Riverside Park

We have always wanted to wear similar apparel for parents and kids, creating a common identity. We thought it would be cool, the kids like the idea 🙂

Thank to our friends at, we got two sets of apparels to model.

You can tell from our poses that we are not trained models, but we got tons of enthusiasm!

Everyone was spontaneous and it turns out to be a Fun family outing for us too.

Cute siblings, they are our little models today.

To quote from Mamashoppe :
The clothes we don are from Emmaus Women’s Centre (a women’s shelter in Cambodia, run by the Methodist Missions Society). Most of the ladies working there do not have the opportunity to receive formal education and would otherwise not have any livelihood skill. The shelter provides food and lodging for the ladies and trains them in dressmaking, thus providing them with a skill to find meaningful employment.

Back home, we try the second set of apparel.

For her : Ladies’ Freya Top in Blue Tossed Flowers, and Girl’s Braided Summer Dress in Blue Tossed Flowers
For him : Shirt in Blue Candy Stripes

We turn on the aircon for some creature comfort and brought out our Uno. It must be the cooler atmosphere, everyone seems more relax, and smiles were abundant.

Mummy and Boon Xin

Daddy and Boon Yee

Besides looking good, we can contribute back to society 🙂

Do pop by SengkangBabies Fanpage for more FUN modeling photos.
The full catalogue of the clothings is at this link –>

Clothing pricing starts from $25 for kids, and $35 for adults.

(image credit)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ Giveaway Alert ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Mamashoppe will be giving away two $20 vouchers for two of SengkangBabies’ fans.

Conditions :
1. LIKE MamaShoppe and SengkangBabies Fanpage
2. On our Fanpage, tell us why you would like to match your family in the same outfit (in 30 words)

3. Do remember to leave your name and email-address (you can choose to message email-address to us)

4. Share our Fanpage contest on your Facebook wall
5. The best answers will be selected on 28Sep at 11pm

We have another Promotion.

Just enter code “sengkang10off” (without the quotes) to get a 10% discount when you checkout from MamaShoppe. Do note this promotion cannot be used together with other promotion codes.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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