Safra Singapore Bay Run with Dads

A few Dads participated in 2018 Singapore Bay Run and Army Half Marathon this morning. Our section could be bigger, but a few fell sick.

Although the run is also known as Army Half Marathon, we ran the Fun 5 km, not 21km.

Beautiful patchy clouds welcomed the runners, splendid skyline πŸ™‚

Nick says it best when we “busy” parents must find opportunities to keep ourselves fit. If we are strong, we can definitely better support our family.

So to fellow Dads, let us plan for more sports πŸ™‚

Clockwise L-Nick, me, Wai Keong, Randy and Patrick (Image credit Nick’s IG)

Slightly warm, but not hot. We started the race with superb weather. When we were walking towards the start line on Esplanade Bridge, 21km and 10km runners were making their way to Finish line.

21km and 10km runners had started at 0430 and 0630 respectively. Kudos!

5km Race was well organised. there was only one wave, but there are plenty of space for us to run in CBD. Our route brought us one round anti-clockwise along Marina Bay.

Maybe I spoke too soon. We soon encounter families and runners who were blocking the lanes.

Slower runners please keep left, and soldiers please curse less, the younger kids around us need not hear all the F and swear words.

Merlion, MBS, Helix and Esplanade, we passed by Singapore’s icons.


Many heartwarming scenes of families running together. Parents encouraging the kids, and sometimes holding their hands. It reminded me of 2014 when I brought 3 boys along for our first “family run” (read post here)

We had to support the enthusiastic kids with “thumbs up” and shouting “well-done”.

We Dads #DaddyMatters paced each other and enjoyed the run. It was another opportunity for us to hang out and do something for ourselves.

We merged with the 21km and 10km runners, #TogetherWeRun is the theme for 2018 Singapore Bay Run and Army Half Marathon.

As we ran pass the Esplanade the second time round, families (and super heroes) are lining up for their 800.


Some were wearing masks too πŸ™‚

Safra Singapore Bay Run and Army half Marathon

Meanwhile, David and buddy showed their support by visiting a Doctor in their running attire. Get well soon, little Buddy!

Image credit Doting Dad IG

Route map for Safra Bay Run and Army Half Marathon 2018.

Back to our run, 900m to end point.
5km took us 35 minutes, we picked up our pace and finish strong.


Army Ready (ex) Soldiers strong :p
Happy smiles and cheers say it all, another Fun outing for the Dads.

Thank you Safra for the engagement. More details about Singapore Bay Run and Army Half Marathon can be found on their Website and Facebook.

You may read about Daddy Matters‘ previous run in 2017 (Mizuno Ekiden) or follow SengkangBabies running experiences here.


Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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