Swim classes for Boon Yee and Boon Xin

Our swimming class, Boon Yee and Boon Xin has join the bubbles gang.

2004 May – Blowing bubbles, it was not too long ago when Boon Wee was blowing bubbles. (more on his sports car float)

2009 Nov – Wei and Kang were the first to enrol under Teacher Kian Hoe in 2009.
Look at their swimming clips.

2012 Oct – Fast forward to 2012. Our two smallest kiddos are now enjoying their swimming sessions. Yi is always enthuasitic about taking a dip, whereas Xin prefer to piggy back teacher at times.

For most kids, the first hurdle is always to dip their head under water, and try to blow some bubbles. Daddy is not expecting kiddos to attempt drown-proofing anytime soon, but it is always satisfying to see kids improve their water confidence.

Kudos to Teacher Kian Hoe, our kids look forward to their weekly classes. Our teacher is patient yet persistent, and we know it is a hugh challenge to engage our strong-willed No2 and No4 :p

Hi5 ! Cheers to more bubbles fun πŸ™‚

More swim photos can be found at our fanpage. Do pop by Bubbles & Splashes for available schedules.

{disclaimer} We are not getting any discounts for promoting our swim coach, Daddy is just sharing a good coach with more parents.

Just a few more centimetres…

Our kids attend swimming lesson every Sun, and one of the perks is their free play after their classes.

In case you are new to Sengkang, these colourful slides are awesome, and attract both kids and adults.

There is just a small problem, someone fall short of fun by a few cm πŸ™

Daddy know it sucks when you can see your bros playing, and you just wait at the end, clapping and cheering … Daddy is eagerly waiting for the day when Kang can finally slide down Sengkang’s slides !

Kang, eat more vegetables and exercise more, ok?
(Hint, he inherited Mummy’s genes)

Singapore is always too safe, we have done some crazy slides in Penang, check it out πŸ™‚