I donated my Bone Marrow in 2002, my kids were born in 2003, 2005, 2007 and Boon Xin 2009. If someone tells you that donating your bone marrow will harm your vitality, send them to SengkangBabies, ooops I meant Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP). BMDP will gladly help to debunk the myths 🙂
Both me and my Mrs are really happy and contented to see our kids grow up healthily.
If you ask me whether I will donate again, answer is YES, and I am sure my family will support my decision.
Last Friday, 30 plus donors were invited to a special Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP) event, the theme was “A celebration of Heroes”. Some of the Bone Marrow recipients were also present.
Ask donor Shalini, it was a joyous occasion as her Bone Marrow recipient graced the event too. Or maybe you can ask BMDP’s patron K Shanmugam (Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law), he did not hesitate to wefie with the donors 🙂
(image credit Wilson)
Everyone loves Birthday parties, the cakes, the songs and the company. Happy Birthday! was especially meaningful to Dave, one year after he received his Bone Marrow transplant.
As Dave shares his story, in the background was a picture of Dave’s happy family. He was 33 (or 34), in the prime of his life, when he was struck with a blood disease. He does not know whether he would be able to see his girls grow up, or who would take care of his family, should the situation turns sour.
A donor came into the picture.
20 years later, to see Dave in the pink of health, daughters all grown up, it was a heartfelt and poignant moment. I can only imagine how grateful Dave was 20 years ago when he celebrated his life reborn.
To Dave, it is not a simple Happy Birthday celebration. He was celebrating Hope, Opportunities, Family, and Aspirations etc.
Photo above. What a small world, I always knew Bob Lee as the Fat Farmer big-hearted photographer. Was glad to know that he was a fellow donor, 2007.
I was very happy that my two oldest boys were there with me to witness the occasion. They might be too young to understand about Bone Marrow transplant, but I hope to inculcate in my kids the mindset to do the Right thing (做好人).
Video : Real life story of Elliot and Lisa (donor)
Talking to a few donors, most of us were shy to be called Heroes haha.
“No big deal”. “Anyone would have done it”.
But most of us are not shy to admit that we will donate again 🙂
A little sacrifice on our part, and someone else (a son, a father, a husband) might receive a second dose of Hope. To be a Bone Marrow donor is an honor, it is not every day that we get an opportunity to save another life.
Would you volunteer to give someone else a Second Chance?
Pop by BMDP Website and Fanpage to know how you can register to be a Bone Marrow donor. Read my own experience here.