Mizuno Ekiden D-Day,Β all 12 of us met earlier for group photos before we started racing running. This is the first time so many Dads from #DaddyMatters are participating in a single event.
We had some Durian and Prata sessions before, but 12 for sports is a new milestone π

Call for action was activated a few months ago, and 12 Dads responded. Amazingly, not all are runners, but we all wanted to do something for Daddy Matters :pΒ
13 members from Daddy Matters, if you include Isaiah. He is our “honorary” runner, but had to skip Mizuno Ekiden due to an incident.

Personally, I want to keep fit for self and family. I always believe that sports is a great avenue for parents to bond with kids (even PM is talking about keeping fit diabetes-prevention at National Day rally!)
However, we parents always find it tough to squeeze out extra time for sports due to family and work commitments. Hope more parents will keep on striving for a Healthy Lifestyle.Β
Mizuno Ekiden is a relay race, 4 runners form a team to complete 21km or 42km. So we have to handover a sash to the next runner.
Some of us are meeting for the first time, we better know the runners before and after ourselves haha :p
The before after photos for our three teams. Man, we are super high spirited! Besides running our own goals, we hope to do some collective activities for Daddy Matters too.
We hope to promote active Parenting, Dads supporting one another.
Mizuno Ekiden Race village at The Promontory. Beers are served after the race, but I did not ask whether we can drink before running (hic) ?
Race is quite well organised, and many participants ended their race with smiles. Good food and beer awaits.
I only have one small complain, there was no water point for those waiting for their race (only isotonic drinks available). I am the 4th runner, so I needed to wait over 90 minutes before my turn.
Dads having fun, showing off our Dad bods. We did say we all come from different background yeah π
On a serious note, Run Safe and take care of each other!
With a rally of Taiko drums, the first runners dashed off. Daddy Matters group tried to run together (Vincent and Winston in picture below).
Teams eagerly waiting to tag and take over the next race. “Team Chio Bu” spotted on the electronic Panel!
Nick dashing in to pass over the sweaty Sash to Patrick π
Well done Dads! All were sweaty and the earlier runners had a harsher Sun! My team completed in 2.16 Hour, not bad π
Our jigsaw-like finisher medals, our sweat and determination π
Earlier, four of us Dads were featured on behalf of Daddy Matters, from LR Winston, me, Nick and Lucian. Read the article here.
Dads are not the only one at Mizuno Ekiden 2017, check out some blogger Mums at Instagram hashtag #Racymamas too. Kudos to all π
We would like to thanks Mizuno Ekiden for the running invite, do follow them on their Website and Facebook. More Mizuno Ekiden photos will be available on RunningShots albums.
Follow the Fun Dads on our Facebook Page. https://www.facebook.com/DaddyMatters
ps.. (photos above credit Daddy Matters or SengkangBabies)
do follow me on this #skbRunning or blog link for Sengkangbabies running events. I will be attempting 42km at SCMS