DRSABC CPR, Boon Yee simulating a CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) on me. We were attending a two hour First Aid familiarisation course designed for family.
DRSABC stands for :
– Danger (look out for danger before rendering help to victim)
– Response (tap victim on shoulder hard to ensure he is conscious/unconscious
– Shout (Shout for HELP, “call 995!”, “Grab AED or First Aid Box”. (AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator)
– Airway (ensure airway no choke, thus blocking breathing)
– Breathing (check for signs of breathing, breath and chest rising)
– CPR (perform CPR only on unconscious victim, who is not breathing)
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of CPR. The first few minutes after a victim collapse are crucial to sustain blood flow through the body, especially the brain.
If blood is not flowing to the brain, it will lead to brain-dead (comatose). Even if heart should be resuscitated, the victim will become a vegetable, or suffers from other side effect.
I am a First Aider, but what happens when I am not around. I hope the kids would have picked up some awareness about rendering First Aid. Even if you do not know CPR, 995 call-centre can guide you over the phone.
Some of the tips which kids pick up along the session.
– Counting 1&2&3&4&5 during CPR (elbow always straight and fingers interlock)
– Following AED’s instructions to monitor heart rythem and administering shock
– Gloves for hygiene, you do not wish to be contaminated by victim’s blood or fluid.
– Apply pressure till blood flow is controlled and stopped
– Using tap water to run off hot water or chemical spill and scalds
– Applying Crepe bandage and triangle sling
This 2 hours Basic CPR course is part of PA (People’s Association) School Holiday series. It offers an overview of First Aid, and raise awareness for the kids. The real First Aid course will be covered over three days.

As a First Aider, I know the importance of having first aid skills for my family. I hope the kids will be able to help in an emergency.
Shoutout for SCDF app myRESPONDER.
This app will buzz you to respond to nearby incidence, or detect nearest AED. It hopes to render assistance to victims faster.
Remember DRSABC CPR, every minute counts.
More details about PA courses can be found on their website.
Our previous emergency preparations and activities :
– https://sengkangbabies.com/family-2/trip-emergency-preparedness-centre
– https://sengkangbabies.com/parenting/stay-prepared-in-an-emergency