OCBC Cycle KL happened last weekend.
This was my first overseas OCBC Cycle event.
There are many firsts for me too.
– Cycling with cleats to bike event
– Oversea trip with my newbie Merida
*This KL trip will build my confidence for Letape May.
There are 14 of us in the group, from foldies to roadbikes .
Thank you to OCBC Marketing team for treating us like VIPs. You really enhanced our experience in KL!

YouTube: OCBC Cycle KL 2024
Cycle up Mayor Hill Bukit Tunku
Day 1 – We gathered at Newton Hawker Centre for our coach
6+ hours coach ride up North.
Luckily, there was a van for our bikes. Normal coach can only accommodate 3 to 4 road bikes, and bikes need to lie down. This might expose bikes to knocks and damage.
The van could accommodate up to 9 bikes. Cool!
Thank you Shaun for the recommendation. He was also the unseen “hand” securing our bikes! Very much appreciated.
We stayed at Majestic Hotel KL for 3D2N. Everything is good about the hotel, the only complain is the location. You have to walk 15min for nearest food or convenience stores.
However, it is less than 2km from OCBC Cycle KL start point (Merdeka Square).
Fellow OCBC Cycle KL cyclists, all are friendly and helpful.

Comfortable bed, spacious room for cyclists. We have no excuse for lack of rest 🙂
Ended Day 1 with a slow jog, shake off the inactivity from coach ride.
Day 2 Kevin’s shakeout ride (warmup?)
We heard this is a tradition for those heading up from Singapore.
Fyi, KL has plenty of Instagrammble corners (and slopes).
Rolloff at 0600.
Mayor Hill (aka Bukit Tunku) is tough but the view is fantastic! I did the same climb back in Oct 2023.

You will definitely warmup your legs and joints after this climb 🙂
Actually, warmup is an understatement for Mayor Hill climb.
My heartbeat tempo also increased, with climb elevations from 7 to 10 percent.
Keven was our Lead up Mayor Hill.
Kudos, not easy to navigate and lead in the dark, simultaneously avoiding pit holes.
(this “shakeout ride” is highly recommended for those attending future editions of OCBC Cycle KL events)
Kevin happens to be our Cafe guy too 🙂
Folks enjoying day break at Mayor Hill submit.
Delighted to have folks take nice photos of me 🙂
Day 3 OCBC Cycle KL event day
All ready, we just needed good weather.
It was raining continuously on Saturday.
OCBC team prepared some 爱心早餐 (sandwich breakfast) to ensure we do not cycle with empty stomach.
Three famous Tiktokers. Ian @sillyian, Rachel and Ming @mingweirocks
At 0600, 15 of us roll over to OCBC Cycle KL start point.
Flagoff time for event is 0645.
Event day itself was very well organised. Although it can be dark in certain corners, we warned each other of potholes and obstacles.
Road marshals were friendly and gave clear instructions. Even pedestrians gave way to cyclists.
Vibes and anticipation at the start point started building up. We are here because of our love for two wheels.

Thank you KL (and feline) for welcoming us cyclists!
OCBC Cycle KL 2024 is two laps, total 42km.
We gathered after Lap 1, with the intention to chill roll the 2nd lap.
Spotted some famous cycling influencers (besides those from our group).

Scenic city views.
Obligatory wefie with Petronas Twin Towers
Folks queuing up for post-race processing.
I suspect it is tougher than Singapore’s OCBC Cycle.
Day 3 – pre & Post Race activitites
Food, shopping, chill.
Tak Wai will bring you to famous but hidden snacks 🙂
Carbo and caffine loading!
Did some shopping of my own. End up, I got my jerseys from Wai Soon (instead of retail shop). Thank you for the service!
The bigger team dinner setting, participants and OCBC crew.
Tourists in Petaling Street.
Nostalgic and hippy backyard, we were promoting luohan drink!
Merdeka 118 is always visible from every corner in KL. It is currently the second tallest tower in the world.
The surprise for me was the old Rex cinema. Refurbished as a book shop.
No one is buying any books or comics, most are there for photo ops.
Event day Video is up on YouTube.
Our OCBC Cycle KL ride was a success.
I will leave you with this photo “Leave no one behind“.

Shoutout for OCBC Cycle Singapore 2024.
Early birds tickets are already on sale.
If you wish to cycle on Benjamin Sheares Bridge or along ECP, grab your tickets now.

(Images and videos above credit OCBC Cycle Kakis from this trip.)
You may check out our previous OCBC Cycle editions here.
Or you can visit our 5D4N bikepacking journey from Singapore to KL
Updated 2024 May
You may wish to readup our post about bike transport options in Malaysia too https://sengkangbabies.com/sports/road-bike-and-bus-chartering-cycling-in-malaysia