Rise & Shine expo workshops giveaway #02

In Session 1 of our Rise & Shine workshop giveaways, we focus on “Seminar: Raising sociable and intelligent baby”.

(image credit)

For Session 2, we will share more about “Developing the creativity in your kids: the importance of imagination”.

Jason Ng, MindChamps

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To quote from Rise & Shine:

With the recent announcement by the MOE to introduce changes in the national education curriculum, parents now must embrace a new educational paradigm – one that moves away from simply learning and controlling facts, to one that develops the following widely-varied range of personal skills:

1. Confidence
2. Communication
3. Collaboration
4. Character
5. Self – Directed Learner
6. Critical and Analytical Thinking
7. Resilience and Creativity

There will be a greater emphasis on Creativity. Creativity lives in all of us. Some children are fortunate to have their creativity nurtured from an early age. Their parents and teachers recognise the value of the creative process. They help their imaginations to soar by providing opportunities to think, create, discover, problem solve and build confidence…

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Date: Fri, 27 Sept 2013
Time: 12.30pm – 2pm
Venue: Room 301, Level 3
Click for Workshop and Registration Link.

Price: $20
Key in “earlybird15” to enjoy discounts of up to 15%, valid till 15th August only.
Group booking: 3 or more in a group enjoy 50% off
Passion Card holders: 1 for 1 signup (partner attends for free)

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[ Session 2 giveaway ]
Does this workshop sounds interesting to you and your child? We have 5 pair of tickets(worth $20 each) to giveaway for “Developing the creativity in your kids: the importance of imagination“.

Giveaway Terms and Condition :
1) LIKE Rise & Shine and SengkangBabies fanpages
2) Leave your name and email address on our Fanpage. If you are uncomfortable to reveal your email, please drop SengkangBabies a message. (click here)

3) Winners will be randomly picked on 16Aug at 2300

More details about Rise and Shine event :
– Latest updates will be available at Rise & Shine Website and Fanpage

Rise and Shine, the early bird catches the worm first

Everyone knows our family is Fun-loving. Our blog was started to capture our kids’ childhood, and to dispel the myth that Singapore is boring. When Rise and Shine invited us to be their partner blogger, we jump on board hoping that we would benefit from other parents’ experience, get to know more like-minded friends, and have fun learning together.

From now till Sep, there is a series of events and seminars, catering to everyone, kids, parents, and families. The highlight will be Rise & Shine Expo running from 27-29Sep at Suntec.

Look for your familiar parenting bloggers here.

We wish to inform our friends that there will be a Hugh breakfast picnic event next month 03Mar, at The Lawn@MarinaBay. Timing will be from 0830 to 1230. You can expect to see bouncing castle, face painting, sports tryouts etc.

*Registration is now available at http://carnival.riseandshine-expo.com.
Ticket per adult is $8 + gst, kids under 12years old do not need tickets. More FAQs.

SengkangBabies is happy to share two pairs of adults tickets with our fans :

1. LIKE SengkangBabies and Rise & Shine fanpage

2. Just Leave your Facebook-name on our fanpage. Click here.

3. x2 Winners will be randomly picked on 26th Feb at 11pm.

For the latest updates, do visit Rise & Shine :

Website – http://www.riseandshine-expo.com
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/RiseAndShineExpo
Rise & Shine – How the venture started with three mummies 🙂

If you are really really busy, just click this link for a summary of activites in Sep’s Rise & Shine Expo.