Running Punggol Buangkok Sengkang Park connector

We love the park connectors, you can run, cycle, blade, scoot or simply walk. Day or night, the scenic waterways always attract families (including pets) and activities.

Lovely cloud reflections at Coney Island entrance

When I need to choose a spot for my long runs, the Sengkang Park connector links me to Punggol and Buangkok, and the loop will last me 20 to 25km.  Some convenience factors for me would be be toilets, water point and shelters (lockers would be a bonus).

1) Toilets – For obvious reason, stomachache in the middle of coney island is no fun.

2) Water point for my hydration needs. Try running in Bishan Park loops and you will realise they only have 2 or perhaps 3 water points. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

3) Shelters from the environment. You can run in the rain but not under thunderstorm.

Look at Google Map below, I have highlighted the water points (roughly every 5km) in my favourite running route. You can start from anywhere, any direction, just follow the waterways and “long kang” (drains) to form a 20km loop. Google Map Link

Sengkang Punggol Running route
Sengkang Punggol Running route

Expect to see Container parks, nice vantage bridges, dams, beautiful sunrise or sunset, and the spectacular Punggol landscape. I have yet to spot the otters.

I live in Sengkang, but I need to admit that Punggol is more scenic 🙂

Punggol 21
Punggol 21, Jewel Bridge

When you run around your neighbourhood, you will realise how landscapes can change in months. Green area cleared, boarding come up, and the BTO flats literally grow floor by floor in weeks! And Sengkang hospital will be ready in a few months!



If you start from Compass One (Seng Kang MRT), clockwise through Buangkok you will reach Sengkang Park connector towards the swimming pool. You will run behind Kampong Lorong Buangkok (Singapore’s last Kampong on the main land, GPS 1.383346, 103.878035).

Sengkang Park connector
Sengkang Park connector

#Water point B(refer map) Anchorvale Swimming Pool

Sengkang Swimming Pool


Run along the river and you will reach the dormitories and Punggol Marina. Look across the straits at Johor Pasir Gudang. There will be a lot of fishing enthusiasts (anglers) too.

Punggol end Jetty

#Water point C. Punggol End

If you want to end your run, take a bus back to Punggol bus Interchange. Or if you want additional challenge, run the Punggol end slopes!

You can enjoy seafood or rent a bike to go to Coney Island (closed at 7pm).

Bus to Punggol end

But this lush greenery and laid-back corner at Punggol end will be very crowded soon, with new flats and even industries.

Future Punggol Developments
Future Punggol Developments

I hate this zig-zag route running parallel to Coney Island. Seems like never ending, and always feel lonely on this stretch. You will get occasional bikers and joggers.

Below picture of HDB, you will see remote planes flying around weekends.

You will see Lorong Halus bridge before Water Point D. This bridge looks nice day or night.

#Water point D. Punggol Promenade toilet (200m from bridge, 50m to Container Park)

This is 15km mark on my run, 5km to go but I hear Happy hours 🙂

ofo bikes rental
ofo bikes Punggol

Nearing the end of my route, one more km to Water Way E.

#Water point E. Punggol Park (This is actually in Hougang)

Punggol Park
Punggol Park


#Water point A. This can be Buangkok or Sengkang MRT

A slow run (20km pace 7 to 8) will take you between 2 to 2.5 hours. Enjoy the scenery.

Additional tips :

1-Ladies, do not go running alone in the late evenings, run with a pal. Some areas suffer from blackouts. And there are many construction sites around.

2-Beware of the irritating bright lights from ebikes and scooters, they are fast and often blind you with their spotlights!

Do you prefer Sunrise, Sunset or even full moon? Do share your favourite park and running routes with me.

Macritchie Trail run
– Cycle to Sengkang North and Seletar airport
– Cycle to Coney Island
– Follow our running adventures here

Sengkang Babies’ HDB story

Today, we will talk about SengkangBabies’ HDB (Housing Development Board) Story. It is quite obvious SengkangBabies call Sengkang home (家) right 🙂

If we have a timeline for Sengkang’s history, it would look something like this.

1999 – we got the key to our new house

2000/2001 – ROM and Wedding ceremony

2003/2005/2007/2009 – Every two year, one baby pop out 🙂

2009 – SengkangBabies blog was born together with Boon Xin, our princess.

The Beginning

A house is not a home.
We started with a dream.
We wanted to build our future together.

As we sketch out our masterplan, colours, material, designs symbolise our ideal home (家). As the months went by, we see our Hall, Kitchen and rooms taking shape.

We are Proud owners.

As we renovate our house, Sengkang is also undergoing upgrading. Since we move in a decade ago, Compasspoint, MRT 2003, integrated interchange, and wet market slowly came on board.

Maybe the policy makers had intentionally left out the cinemas and shopping centers.
When couples are lonely, Sengkang experience a small baby boom :p

New Family

This is our HDB story.
We have build up our 5-room nest over the last decade.
Time flies !

Other than a slightly more messy nest, no thanks to the kids, you can expect to hear laughter (most likely from kids) and occasionally screams from yours truly and Mummy.

Either way, our home is always lively, never quiet.
No points for guessing who are the parent’s little nemesis haha 🙂

Our Neighbourhood

We love Sengkang so much, we named our blog “SengkangBabies 盛港宝宝” 🙂
Sengkang (and Punggol) neighbourhood is our playground, our home, our childhood.

What about the kids? Do they love their home, neighbours, school and friends? We have provided a warm loving home for our kids, and we are glad the siblings are bonding well.

Video : Boon Yee and Boon Xin sharing their umbrella, sweet 🙂

We ask our children to draw their home. Some draw HDB, while others prefer bungalows. We can see cartoons of our family and the “imaginary” pet 🙂

With our HDB flat, Mummy and Daddy’s Dream of a Happy Family has been realised.

Have you started building your nest yet?
iProperty might just help you find your dream home 🙂

Click on the following links for more details about iProperty :
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Click for SengkangBabies’ bio or pop by iProperty blog for a collection of how other bloggers view their HDB heartland too (from teens, to Japanese etc)