Pioneer Magazine Kids edition :)

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In October’s Pioneer Magazine, I was surprised to see a special Pioneer Kids section, exclusively for kids! A Children’s Day surprise πŸ™‚

The Army, Navy and Air Force from SAF were all featured.
The theme was “My SAF Learning Adventure“, and the stories were about kids who got to know first hand about their parent’s role in SAF.

I am sure the simulations are more realistic than those found in gaming arcades, and that the kids were filled with pride seeing their parents in uniform, serving the nation.

The Corporate world has those “Follow your parents to work” campaigns, but the SAF version is way much cooler.
Imagine kids proudly sharing in class, my mum works on the RSS Formidable!


Kids do not need to know about push-ups, stand-bys or SOC (Standard Obstacle Course) during their “orientation” through Pioneer Kids.

But I took the opportunity to share with them that behind each moving Ship, Plane or Tank, there was a whole support group working tirelessly in the background (away from the limelight).
Kudos to the support team for keeping the SAF machinery running, everyone has a role to play when it comes to the defence of Singapore.

There are extra activities for kids in Pioneer Kids. They can try to spot camouflaged soldiers in “Jungle Adventure”.

.. or perhaps construct a paper Terrex. When I told them I was from Armour, and I rode on the M113 and Bionix, they just wanted to know whether they had aircon like the Terrex haha.

I have two sons whom I might encourage to be career soldiers. They love adventures and are keen to see the wider world outside of Singapore (I suspect my girl might be keen too).

Personally, I miss the SAF “Open Houses”! The real big-scale ones, not those shopping mall engagement booths πŸ™‚
(read our Air, Sea and Land open houses here)

These open houses showcase the latest gadgets in SAF, and allow for families to interact with the crew and even engage in dog-fight simulations.
I am sure many remembered the Terrex, Chinook and RHIB rides, or the cute Smart uniforms from the three services πŸ™‚

Kids adored the thrills and these are experiences which money cannot buy. For those who are interested to know more about the SAF, do follow CyberPioneer Facebook.

You can grab a e-copy of Pioneer Kids at this link –>,-MINDEF/PIONEER-Singapore/Entertainment/187604