[ Media Invite ]
We were invited to Gardens By the Bay’s (GBTB) Autumn Harvest. Pumpkins were strewn everywhere, in all shapes and sizes. Love the spread of orange and yellow hue through Flower Dome.
What comes to mind when we think of Pumpkins?
Halloween? Pumpkin soup (南瓜)?
Or perhaps the mice which can turn into a Pumpkin carriage in Cinderella?
Look at the Golden Harvest, I am curious where did GBTB flew in so many varieties of Pumpkins! GBTB brochure highlighted “Season of Abundance”.
Take a closer look, some of the pumpkins have painted faces haha, quite adorable too 🙂
We got to know that Pumpkins originated from Greek, and it meant Large Melon. A special breed “Atlantic Giant” can weigh 1 ton!

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, you will not miss this huge 6m tall fruity statue. Very creative vegetable and fruit giant, how many fruits can you identify?
These Pumpkins and scarecrows definitely look spooky, especially in the evenings. Spotted some psycho Joker face too! I guess they will be recycled for Halloween haha 🙂
Besides visiting the Pumpkin harvesting in Flower Dome, we got an opportunity to design some Pumpkins too.
Pumpkins need not be Orange in colour (haha), and kids were invited to stretch their imagination. Did I mention these pumpkins are heavy, easily 3 to 4 kg.
Who say Pumpkins must have two eyes :p
The boys’ green “Monster Inc” inspired pumpkins, I suggested adding some spider legs too. It comes with a headset for some pumped-up music juice too.
Pumpkin infused arts and craft. Families had Fun decorating the melons, we got some creative inputs from Elves too haha (IG @ThePartyElves)
I was half expecting some Pumpkin ingredients in our refreshment :p
Presenting SengkangBabies Pumpkins, we did not bring the pumpkins home. We found a delightful video Pumpkin fertilisation and harvesting too, YouTube link.
Besides Autumn Harvest, Flower Dome never fails to amaze us, love the other flowers and decorations too.
If you are a fan of Autumn (sorry no Maple leaves yet), or Pumpkins, do pop by Flower Dome soon. “Autumn Harvest” display will end on 29 Oct 2017.
Do follow Gardens by The Bay website, Facebook and Instagram for the latest update. You can expect the beautiful Mid-Autumn lanterns to shine again from 22 Sep.
Do pop by our Gardens By The Bay outings here.