Celebrate Fatherhood, our guest post at Ai Sakura

Are you curious about how we manage to handle four kids?
How many did we plan for, and how have the kids change our lives?

Is there a Daddy-manual out there? Why is it second nature for most Mum to handle the kids, but Dads fumbled? For this and more insights, do pop by Daddy’s guest post at Ai Sakura.

Ai is a young Mummy who wish to inspire others that having a family does not mean giving up your individual lifestyle, that is our wish too πŸ™‚

She is inviting Daddies to share their experience at her monthly “Celebrate Fatherhood” feature. It does not mean only Daddy bloggers know how to take care of kids, but we play an important role to inspire more Daddies to be involved in family life.

If more Daddies are involved, the family can only grow stronger πŸ™‚

Singapore Blog Awards 2012 – hello Friends :)

Last Sat, Singapore Blog Awards 2012 (ζ–°εŠ ε‘ιƒ¨θ½ζ Όε€§ε₯–) ceremony was held at Singapore Food Trail (Singapore Flyer). You might have noticed a lot of SuperHeros.

Yours truly, SengkangBabies were top ten finalists under Parenting category πŸ™‚

Tell you a secret, all parenting bloggers are Heroes. Can you imagine Batman or Superman changing diapers and feeding a toddler!

Introducing some of the parenting bloggers on that day (Marcellus, June, Sakura and Daddy Andy) We did not manage to catch Edmund and Leonny for a group photo.

Daddy turn up in his limited edition Superman t-shirt. And he can stand tall among the other heroes (William, Joey, Kevin) because…

.. the kids help paint the cartoons in under 2 hours. Did you see Angry Bird and Pig, Elephant and Aeroplane?

Sorry girls (Sakura, Steph, RuiTing and Dawn), Daddy Andy’s SuperHero T-shirt is not for sale keke.

(Thanks to RuiTing for lending her photo.)

Some other blogger and participants really take cosplaying seriously !

More photos with friends (Crystal, Darren and Juliana aka KungFu Panda!)

Congrats to friends and fellow bloggers πŸ™‚

The winners πŸ™‚

We would like to thanks OMY for the annual blog award ceremony. Besides recognizing the efforts of bloggers, it offers a platform for all bloggers to mingle πŸ™‚

(Hello Grace, Derrick, Melissa, Rebecca and YongWei)

Daddy would have love to pair Baby Brie with Joker up together. The villian is seriously outnumbered today !

Do drop by our Fanpage album for more Heroes. Daddy is not listing all the buddies in this blog, too many πŸ™‚
–> SengkangBabies Fanpage