SengkangBabies blog featured at Nuffnang

Time flies, SengkangBabies blog is 6 years old already, and our babies have all grown up :p

Thanks to Nuffnang, we are featured as 2015 June’s blogger. This was how our family blog was first crafted….

To our friends, fans and acquaintances, we sometimes get waves and hellos from our neighbourhood. My spouse and kids will sometimes smile back, even though they do not know the other party haha πŸ™‚

Thank you! Our blog would not have come so far without your support πŸ™‚

– Do we live in Sengkang?
– What happen if we move out of Sengkang?
– What happen when our kids are no longer “babies”?
– Are we planning for No 5?

For answers to the above questions and more gossips, read our feature at Nuffnang. Follow SengkangBabies Blog on our Fanpage and Instagram.

Looking forward to 2015 :)

Health and Happiness πŸ™‚
Daddy keep reminding the kids about these two important attributes in life.

Treasure your family, Love your siblings. Nothing else matters.

Life will never be perfect.
Stay Happy, Stay contented.

We only have Best Wishes for your Families in the year ahead πŸ™‚

Blogging? SengkangBabies has resonated with many of our friends.
It is always nice to have like-minded bloggers-turn-friends along the blogging journey.

We hope to bring you more Fun and Adventures in the days ahead!

Happy New Year to all!