We were invited to AOH 2012 (Army Open House) media preview last Tue.
Kids had wanted to see the Leopard e-Brake.
The tanks and battle boats are rolling right in the heart of our City ! Imagine riding a Bionix, with the city skyline in the background. Fight your own Urban warfare, and choose your vehicle from Terrex, or Light Strike on 26 and 27th May from 9am to 8pm !
Sorry, Leopard is too heavy for our roads :p
Click for Your Playground ! http://www.mindef.gov.sg/aoh12/highlights_rides.html
Rides are 1.2m and above, and no sandals allowed. If you only have time for two rides,
go for FCU (Fast Craft Utility) and Light Strike !
See our Video clip for proof of FUN !
No worries, Army will not ask you to dash down the ramp Private Ryan style !
Catch CyberPioneer’s video coverage
You must catch the D3 show (Dynamic Defence Demostration), featuring all the Army’s Hardware, and we even get to activate Apaches and Chinook ! This show is not complete without the Red-Lions.
Timings are listed here.
And there are pyrotechnics on Sat and Sun from 7pm to 7:45pm !!
Kids who do not meet 1.2M equirement will have plenty to shout about ! We were so glad Ayd and Ash from CheekieMonkie came to demolish enjoy AOH2012 together.
(Photo credit : Kang’s Jeep is from Dawn)
Among all the andrenalin, NS45 is about 45 years of National Service.
The theme “From Fathers to Sons” aptly describe how generations of boys have become men, and now fathers will proudly see their sons go through the same journey.
Daddy told boys in Hokkien slang, last time where got IPAD in our bunks :p
Expect a hugh turnout, as AOH2012 is easily accessible.
That means long queues for rides and events.
Please drink plenty of water and apply sunblock, as it can be very hot under the afternoon sun.
If are interested to spot Daddy’s 3Tonner from higher up, SingaporeFlyer is offering 45% discount for the month of May! Bring your 11B along.
One FCU can ride 100 personel (one company), or carry 18 tons of goods.
Now, who want to be Soldiers?
Kids have a problem now. To be Red Lions or.. Divers.
Please visit official AOH 2012 webpage and fanpage for more event highlights !
You might be interested to read our friends’ accounts –>
– Geng Hui (PhotoJournalist)
– XinYun
– Kelvin CheekieMonkies
– Joe TechieLobang
– Chester (love his HDR effects!)
We would like to thanks Mindef’s PR team for hosting us. What a B.L.A.S.T !!!
We will share more of our experience in Part 2, meanwhile
click for more photos at our Fanpage.
D3 performance – Neutralize the enemy !
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Alpha Romeo : SengkangBabies Wait out…
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