heART Studio Holiday class

[ Sponsored ]

Kids with their finished masterpieces, Clay Bird (parrot) and Guardians of the Galaxy. We were invited to heART Studio Holiday class.

They always love their drawing sessions at heART Studio, which provides a good opportunity for them to express their creativity.
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Boon Kang drawing the bird outline on the clay base, stroke by stroke with a satay stick.
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Preparing his clay bird. with Teacher’s help and guidance. He needs to choose his own preferred colour tones.
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His parrot is quite live like, and very colourful πŸ™‚
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In the other class, Boon Xin concentrating on her Racoon Rocket (from Guardians of the Galaxy)
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Rocket will be holding a pot of Groot. Her friend (boy) even drew a pistol.
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While waiting for the kids, parents can admire the masterpieces from other kids. You got Hello Kitty, Snoopy, Minions, all cute and adorable cartoons.

heART Studio Holiday class is always packed with activities.

Thank you for the Fun invite, Heart Studio!

heART Studio – Teaching Art from the Heart
Do pop by their website and fanpage for the latest activities.

heART Studio review

[ Workshop giveaways ]

School Holidays is approaching again, and we are looking forward to another round of expressions at heART Studio. Click for our previous heART Studio reviews.

heART studio 2015 holiday programme

Do pop by heART Studios website for the full schedule. and we have two workshop passes to giveaway!

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Each arts class is worth $75.

(Left) – Guardians of the Galaxy β€” x1 giveaway
04 June 2015, 4.30pm to 7pm (aged 5 and 6)

(Right ) – Clay Bird – x1 giveaway
04 June 2015, 4.30pm (aged 7+)

heART Studio Holiday programmes

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Terms and Conditions for the Giveaway:

– Entries that do not fulfill the requirements stated will be disqualified without notice.
– The child has to be at least 5 years and above, based on the month and year of birth.
– No repeat winners are allowed.
– Winners will be notified by email, through the email address provided.
– Winners must confirm by reply email or phone call, within three days. Otherwise, a new winner will be picked.

– No changing of date or time is allowed.
– No Existing Customers allowed.
– This giveaway is open to Singapore residents only.

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If you are keen on heART Studio’s giveaway, this is what you need to do πŸ™‚

1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE heaRT Studio and SengkangBabies Fanpage
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address)
heART Studio Holiday programmes

4. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabiesBlog
(so that we know you are participating)

5. Contest ends 20May 10pm, and two winners will be randomly picked

heART Studio – Teaching Art from the Heart
Do pop by their website and fanpage for the latest activities.