IKEA, let there be light

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Singapore is very fortunate, we are sheltered from natural disasters and our country is peaceful. No Earthquakes, Tsunamis or war and the little ones grow up blissfully unaware of the calamities which befall many countries.

Refugees? Kids might not be able to comprehend why some people do not have a country, a home or a childhood. Why are some people forced from their homes?

UNHCR is the UN Refugee Agency who is providing shelters to house the refugees. Refugees camps have basic amenities, and lighting is in short supply.

From 01 February to 28 March, IKEA is running a “Brighter Lives for Refugees” campaign. For every LED light sold during this period, 1 euro will be donated to UNHCR. The funds generated will help improve access to lighting, renewable energy solutions and primary education in refugee camps across Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

I asked the kids to pen down their feelings should there be an extended power outage in Singapore. It is a subtle way to ask them whether they are paranoid of darkness (你怕黑吗?)

I grew up experiencing power outages and water rationing, and I thought our kids should go through some of these exercises again. Perhaps, we will appreciate our way of life more, and not take everything for granted?

I kept a torchlight near the circuit breaker, and the older kids know how to flick on the master-switch should there be a power trip.

But imagine if there should be extended blackout in Singapore, what are the things which we cannot do? No Light, no Life.

We will not be able to participate in a lot of activities in the darkness. Toilet trips and story reading would become more challenging.

Some children in the refugees camps do not have the luxury of light once the sun sets. They might not even have the opportunity to dream about aspirations. They have to solve basic necessities like water, food, sanitation, and electricity first.

Video : IKEA Brighter Lives for Refugees Campaign

Video : A day in the life of a Refugee

Testimonials which touched me :
– Nights are long and with light people have opportunities and freedoms that are lost when the sun goes down.
– Is there any other place better than your own home? Your home is always your paradise.

What would we miss if we have to live in total darkness?

Call to action :
From 6-8 February 2015, bring your used halogen or incandescent lightbulbs to the IKEA store for a 1 to 1 light bulb exchange. (disclaimer – Up to 3 lightbulbs per person and exchange is limited to the first 1000 bulbs per day)

From 01 February to 28 March – for every LED light sold, IKEA will donate 1 euro.
Details at this link.