Cherished moments by Singpost

Singpost’s Like it Forward is an app created by Singpost, to celebrate World Post Day with Jamiyah Children’s Home.

To encourage Singaporeans to bring smiles to children and rediscover the joys of gifting, SingPost has organised a campaign where users can ‘like’ and ‘share’ doodles drawn by 22 children from Jamiyah Home.

If you have noticed, the kids have drawn their own wishlist 🙂

Singpost would like to invite you to like the children’s drawings at

Four simple steps:

1. VISIT the ‘GALLERY’ (You need to like Singpost’s Fanpage first)
2. READ the story behind each child and the gift they wish for
3. LIKE to make a child’s wish come true
4. SMILE because you’re one step closer to making a child really happy!

Daddy would like to share a story from one of the children.

The more Likes you give, the child will have a higher chance of getting his or her gift.
Be generous, LIKE away, help Singpost to make one more child Smile 🙂

(All images above credit to Singpost)