KooBits Math Portal

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I was introduced to KooBits Math Portal recently. The Math portal claimed 1 in 5 Primary school going kids are using KooBits’ product “ProblemSums” to improve their Math.
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Math was one of my weakest subjects. On hindsight, I understand the concepts but lack the confidence to derive the answers. It became a vicious cycle in which I gradually lose interest in the subject. Fortunately, my tuition teacher made me analyse the problem sums from another angle (pun intended), and it re-triggered my interest in Math again.

Back to our KooBits Math portal. I was curious to find out how Boon Kang (Primary 4) would react to the Math Portal. To be frank, I was initially skeptical of “additional homework” for him.
Singapore Math Portal

After login to website, Boon Kang can choose “Self Practice’s ProblemSums”, “Homework” or “Challenge”.
Koobits homework

In Homework, questions are randomly picked for the child every time. To motivate the kids to learn more, there is even a points reward scheme.

In ProblemSums, Boon Kang can learn more about “Factors and Multiples”.
P4 Problem Sums

Some other sample P3 and P4 Math questions. What I like about the question and tasks are they are designed to be bite size for kids. This might make it more efficient for kids to absorb the concept (instead of 1 hour long Ten-year series, for example)
nuffnang koobits

Challenge offer Boon Kang an opportunity to engage his peers! And winners will even stand to win prizes. To prevent the kids from getting addicted, KooBits questions will be closed at 10pm daily.
koobits challenge

Thanks to KooBits, Mummy need not nag anymore for kids to do their homework. KooBits will even tailor a suitable programme to match the child’s learning profile! Every child will be able to learn at his own comfortable pace.

Other features of KooBits Math Portal :
– Do pop by KooBits Youtube tutorial link too.
– Largest collection of challenging maths word problems and video lessons, featuring more than 700 mathematical skills for your child to master
– Supports login from PC, Mac, iPad, Android or other tablets, and can be accessed from anywhere with Internet connection


We are happy to share that KooBits has a free 6 months subscription for kids. Click for your Free Trial at the following link http://products.koobits.com/problemsums.

* all images above credit to KooBits