One People One Nation One Singapore

One People One Nation One Singapore.
The above text is most apt to describe how Singapore came together over the past week.

I hope the kids might read this post again in the near future and understand that such spontaneous outpouring of emotions might never again appear in Singapore. We Singaporeans are not particularly known as expressive (sentimental), but ChannelNewsAsia (documentaries) and Social Media sharings brought tears to my eyes countless times.

Singapore was grieving together as a nation. (read article about Vigil guards).
Vigil Soldier

Video : It all started with Auld Lang Syne. The lone Gurkha bagpiper bidding Mr Lee Kuan Yew before he leaves Istana for the last time. Solemn and dignified.

Crowds gathered to witness his Gun carriage travel from Istana to Parliament house.
Crowds stream non-stop to bid Lee Kuan Yew farewell at Parliament House’s Lying In State.
201503298 LKY

Newspaper articles indicate “Queuing for History”, definitely a historic moment for Singapore.

We did not queue successfully to pay our respect at Parliament House earlier.
Lee Kuan Yew Lying in State

But we pop by MM Lee’s one and only constituency, Tanjong Pagar. This CC is one of the 18 tributes sites in Singapore for us to pay our last respect, and pen our heartfelt gratitude.
Lee Kuan Yew Tanjong Pagar Tribute

MM Lee’s Lying in State (Parliament House) allowed Singaporeans to show their respects, together.
Families queued for hours under the sun or overnight just to say “Thank You”.
Most have not seen MM Lee face to face before, and all mentioned their 8-hour queues are nothing (compared to Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s lifelong service)
It was heart-wrenching to see parents weep together with their kids, or older folks making extra efforts to pay their last respect.

This is a side of Singapore which we do not get to see often!

MRT and Bus services ran 24 hours to ensure everyone can visit and say one last farewell.
We see Singaporeans from all walks of life coming together to help each other.
Volunteers were out in force to distribute water, umbrellas and biscuits.
Soldiers and police help to control the massive crowd turnout.

Smaller kids might not understand what they are queuing for today, but they will understand later.
As Singaporeans, the kids have a lot to be proud of.

We sing patriotic songs during National Day, Stand up for Singapore, Count on Me Singapore, Home etc. This week, we heard a beautiful and sorrowful rendition One People One Nation One Singapore at Parliament House (by Rani Singam and Jeremy Monteiro).

After MM Lee’s passing, every patriotic song sounds especially meaningful.

29 Mar 2015, we bid goodbye to Lee Kuan Yew one last time along Shenton Way.
The rain and wind never stopped during the Funeral procession, it was cold and kids were shivering, but we soldier on. Waving Goodbyes with our little flag, shouting “Lee Kuan Yew, Thank You!”
201503298 LKY2

Strangely, the scenario reminded me of Singapore’s wet National Day Parade in 1968. Then, the country was still very young, and had to face the harsh elements. We are celebrating SG50 this year, perhaps the sky was tearing for MM Lee too?

It was hard for me to finish singing our National Anthem Majulah Singapura today, I choked a few times.
Lee Kuan Yew Funeral Procession

A few more poignant moments :

Video : Lee Kuan Yew Funeral Procession
Video : Majulah Singapura by DISRUPT

Thank you Lee Kuan Yew for everything!
One People One Nation One Singapore.