Our pInterest timeline, pretty happening :)

We have a pInterest account. LinkedIn, FourSquare, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, FanPage and even Google+. We heard a new tool call “Storify” too.

True is, Daddy just do not have time to update all his platforms haha.
But pInterest seems pretty interesting, with the catchy photos and titles.

What do you think?

Do pop by our pInterest timeline http://pinterest.com/SengkangBabies πŸ™‚
Click for Tips on pInterest for beginners.

Singapore Blog Awards 2012

This is the third time Sengkang Babies are participating in Omy’s Singapore Blog Awards. The kids have grown along the way, we get to know more friends online and offline, and some have become kakis !

Friends (big and small ones) will always meet and catchup at events, to share fun places, even blogging and photography tips.

Sengkang Babies got some new features in 2012 :
– we started a Fanpage to share more photos.
– we got a little more chatty on Twitter and even dabble with pInterest.
SengkangBabies.com got our own domain now

Some things have not changed. The number of Daddy bloggers are still so few. Let Daddy highlight a few old/new Dads who are regulars online. Daddy bloggers motivate SengkangBabies to blog better and share more πŸ™‚

CheekieMonkie.net – If we need ideas for places of interest, we visit Daddy Kelvin’s blog
EdUnloaded.com – Edmund is among the pioneer Daddy bloggers in Singapore
daddy.nivlek.per.sg – Kelvin is the techie Daddy
jbabiesDad.blogspot.com – Daddy Isaiah is passionate about lifestyle and photography
dear.xander.sg – Daddy Winston writes letters to his little boy

More updates on our favourite blogs are listed at our blogroll page.

Ok, Daddy has talked so much, if are you still not convinced about joining Omy Blog Award already, they are dangling $30,000 worth of carrot to tempt you, and a Macau trip. Drop by sgBlogawards.omy.sg for more details.

Do not be surprised if you see Sengkang Babies appearing in non-Family categories :p

Parenting bloggers normally bring up the fun and happy moments, but believe us, looking after the kids is never easy. We may make it look easy, maybe because we are so use and numb to handling our kiddos by now haha :p

Visit our previous year experiences in 2010 and 2011.
We would like to thanks our friends (Xin Yun and Rui Ting) for nominating us, much appreciated πŸ™‚

Kids are still teaching us adults to learn and appreciate simple things everyday !
If not for the kids, Daddy would not have discover photography and blogging.
Remember SengkangBabies, remember our motto “We bring you fun !
