2014 iLight Marina Bay highlights

[ Media Invite ]

If you like to “Dance dance revolution” at Timezone, then iLight might have something groovy for you.

The kids can really hop and follow the rhythm but Daddy got hand-leg coordination issue.
Kids just need to bounce on the pad and different colours will beam.

Video : Mayhem as you see kids running in all direction, do hang on to the “small” ones 🙂

2014’s iLight theme is “Light+HeART“, and there are 28 art installations scattered all over Marina Bay. To quote from iLight :
“2014 edition is about creating unique, happy and heart-felt installations to delight the audience while driving home the sustainability message”

Last Thu, we hope onto a bumboat and was given a first hand tour of the various light installations.

Click here for the full display location and descriptions.

The Pool (A14)
Dancing pods ilight

Fool’s Gold (A13) (Chinese idiom 此地无银三百两) and the Floating Hearts (A10)

JouJou-Ours (A9) – bears for you to hug

Mimosa (A7) – you know how a mimosa plant works? You must not miss this Magical experience !

#WeHeartLight (A8)
ilight duration

Bibi (A4) – crocodile
ilight Crocodile display

Beat (A1) – watch the balls synchronised with your heart beat! Cool !
iSwarm (A3) – first time Light display goes under the water, the “sea creatures” will detect your presence and dance for you

If you only have 2 hours to spend, we recommend you to walk from A14 to A1 (or vice versa). Kids will easily spend 30mins at The Pool :p

Other exhibitions which we did not get to watch up close..
Cloud (B9) – it seems pretty interesting from the boat, children were pretending that it was raining and hiding under the cloud 🙂

Celebration of Life (B14) – 3D reflection off ArtScience Museum

(image credit ilightmarinabay.sg)

Giant Dandelions (B6) – 90 giant pods await

(image credit ilightmarinabay.sg)

1.26 (B10) – Singapore Fish net weaving. It has to do with an earthquake which shorten the earth’s Day by 1.26 s (thus the artpiece name)

(image credit ilightmarinabay.sg)

3D Tit-Tat-Toe (3D)

(image credit ilightmarinabay.sg)

It is always interesting to see how the world’s talents can come up with creative and ingenious ways to bring light to us in a different spectrum and form. We just hope the haze from Indonesia will not spoil iLight 2014’s pretty illumination.

More details about iLight 2014 can be found on their website.
Ilight will be turn on from :
– 7Mar to 30Mar
– 7.30PM to 11pm

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Fringe activities
– 29Mar – Spidey will be shutting down some of the lights around CBD (Earth hour)
– MBS Laser Light show – every evening 8pm and 9.30pm, Fri\Sat extra show at 11pm (read our experience)

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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