We can fight Coronavirus but we cannot fight stupidity and ignorance

We can fight Coronavirus but we cannot fight stupidity and ignorance.
I was jogging around Sengkang and saw so many folks out with their trolleys at 10pm!

Government announced ORANGE (on DORSCON level), and everyone crazy chiong supermarket! Preparing for doomsday?

Is it really Kiasu and Kiasi ? or some misplaced well intentions.
I would urge everyone to be safe, but also demonstrate logical thinking and compassion.

I did not remember the same thing happening during SARS and H1N1 outbreak, or even during Haze period. Everyone Stay calm and sanitise!

Remember basic hygiene like washing our hands. And promote social responsibility, like resting at home when we are sick, or mask when we are not feeling well. 自动一点 please.

Government Whatsapp and tips:

Many people are second guessing what MOH and Government is doing.  Suddenly, everyone becomes Virus experts and consultants.

If Singapore is not moving in the same direction, forget about SGsecure and other initiatives. The best plans will be derailed by rumour and ignorance!

I would prefer the authorities to quota essentials, example maximum 10kg rice per family. Otherwise, this crazy phenomenon will harm ourselves even before the virus reaches us!

Many rumours are floating around in Social Media and Whatsapp, some are plain ridiculous:
– MRT and shopping centre lockdown
– Masks shortage in Singapore
– Maggie mee and toilet rolls hoarding
– Many more examples! (from MotherShip.sg)

Can you imagine a scenario where other folks are deny essential items?
-Mother cannot find baby powder for her toddler
-Uncle finishes night shift cannot buy his weekly ingredients (no more stock)
-Nurse who just finished her shift could not find toilet paper(what!)
-I do not want to queue 1 hour to get my favourite ice cream too

What I noticed is many non-Singaporeans are involved in the supermarket-clearing too. Do share with your neighbours and colleagues, no need to horde!

Even if you are buying non-essential item, you need to queue with the irrational ones!

Teenagers are another group.  I had to nag and nag again to my kids, avoid crowded spaces, sanitise your hands. Teenagers seem to think they are young and strong and can avoid coronavirus!

We can fight Coronavirus as a nation, but everyone needs to chip in. STAY CALM!

Video from 2012, our kids keeping their hands clean.

Thank you to the frontline healthcare folks helping to keep Singapore safe.

Get the latest updates from official channels :

Happy CNY 15th!


Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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