HealthHub, your one stop health portal

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HealthHub might be a life saver and nifty gadget for me.

I often forget about my child’s immunisation appointment, or next dental and eye check.
Ooops, where did I keep my child’s immunisation record or eye prescription?

HealthHub is a new all-in-one portal. It is your one stop shop for all your health care needs.

My kids’ health records will be updated with each appointment, be it eye or dental check.
The latest prescription for their eyes and even new decayed tooth will be updated!
Hospital discharge summary and even doctors’ referral letters will be kept in system.

With the click of a button, I should not miss the next medical appointment again.
Medical Records

Need additional inputs about Haze protection?
The latest sports events or health workshop?
Zumba and Gym facilities need your workplace?
Or Polyclinic opening hours?
You might even score some promotion and discounts from HPB’s health partners and vendors.

HealthHub has all the above queries consolidated into one portal (or app).
You can now download HealthHub app straight into your IOS or Android devices.

You will need to key in a secret pin in order to access the system. No worries that your data will be compromised if phone is misplaced. This is an assurance for me as I do not want my sensitive medical records to be abused.

What other health tips and benefits can we find from HealthHub app?
HPB Health Hub directory

1) A-Z and Directory would be interesting for me.
A to Z index all the medical related activities for you.
Directory helps me to find the nearest facility, with Geotag too.
I can now navigate with ease to my next appointment.

2) Live Healthy and What’s On keep me updated on the latest health topics, workshops and activities.
Example, how do I quit smoking, lower my cholesterol, lose weight, pick up jogging or simply live healthier?
I can find tips on how to cope with the Haze too.

Personally, I am trying to encourage my family to keep fit via jogging. Sports will also instill discipline in kids and strengthen their characters. (Follow our running journey here). I hope future enhancements will allow me to keep track of my own fitness milestones.

3) Rewards and Deals motivate us to improve our health and wellbeing. After striving hard to achieve our targets, we can claim some reward (Healthpoints) for ourselves 🙂
Hpb Rewards

Expect lobangs and discounts to health related activities.
My wishlist would be discount to gym and perhaps Zumba membership.
F&B promotions, rebates on rental of sports venues, and Healthzone exhibitions or seminars.

If we can keep healthy, and score some NTUC linkpoints (Rewards) along the way, Bonus yeah!

We learn about Healthcare 2020 vision of improving accessibility to health services as well as HPB’s Healthy Living Master Plan’s vision of making healthy living natural and effortless for Singaporeans.

As the system grows, HealthHub will be more comprehensive and contents will be richer, we can expect more e-services too. Consumers can look forward to localised health information and personalised e-services.

The objective is to allow Singaporean to take ownership of their own health and wellness.
HealthHub apps

HealthHub is here to help us manage our health better. HealthHub’s services and content are only applicable for public health institutions. For the latest Health updates, do visit

HealthHub app can be downloaded both in the Play Store and Itunes App store:
Google Play

For the full list of information that can be retrieved, visit to find
out more!

AXA Born to Protect “Safer City Contest”

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Thanks to SAF, we can sleep soundly at night.
Hometeam (Police and SCDF) keep our community safe, families get to pursuit our lifestyles, be it sports or outdoor activities.

At home, we parents play the primary role as caretaker, ensuring our kids grow up in a safe environment.
We protect our kids from harm, and provide for our family.

We are all born to protect, but for AXA, it’s a calling.

To demonstrate their Born to Protect spirit, AXA has launched a new video based on a real story. A fire in a Japanese restaurant had wreaked the kitchen and injured the chef’s arm. Watch how AXA Claims service manager Kenny, helps to expedite the chef’s claims, getting a doctor and physio to treat the chef’s arm. AXA also assign a social worker to help his elderly mother and make sure the restaurant can resume operations quickly.

AXA is inviting Singaporeans to share ideas of how they can help make Singapore a safer city through a new campaign “Safer City Contest”. (More details at

From now till 13 Nov, simply SMS to 76677 in this format:
AXA < space > NAME < space > NRIC < space > Your idea

Top 3 entries will have a chance to see their ideas come to life!
The first 100 entries get $30 Taka shopping vouchers and winners will be announced on AXA Singapore Facebook page on 16 Nov.
AXA Safer City Contest

To make protection Fun and accessible, you might have noticed some huge AXA “dispensers” around four bustops ( Bugis Street opposite Bugis Junction, Dhoby Ghaut at Plaza Singapura, Marine Parade beside Parkway Parade and Church Street beside OCBC Centre). Just press the red button and you will receive a capsule containing band aids, mosquito patches, medicated ointment or cough drops.

First come first serve, we heard these capsules are quite popular 🙂
Safer City Contest