NDP 2019 Mobile Column form up at Suntec

NDP 2019 Mobile Column form up outside Suntec City. This will happen every Saturday until 09 Aug Singapore’s National Day.

And the best place to grab a selfie would be right at this junction.

NDP 2019 Mobile Column
NDP 2019 Mobile Column

Traditionally, Mobile Column only occurs once every 5 years. But 2019 being Singapore’s bicentennial celebration, NDP 2019 Mobile Column is happening one year in advance.

NDP 2019 road closures
NDP 2019 road closures

Nicoll Highway would be their staging area, before the tanks and vehicles roll to Padang main stage.

One of the most convenient spots to watch the drive through would be at Esplanade MRT Exit A (Suntec City).

I thought these kids had the best seats for NDP 2019 Mobile Column (at Suntec City). Imagine the thrill as the tanks roar to life, and thunderous F15 flying overhead.

Best spot to watch NDP Mobile Column rehearsals
Best spot to watch NDP 2019 Mobile Column rehearsals

If you want to impress the kids, memorise the vehicles (link here). There are a total of 171 vehicles (and missile arsenel)!

Image credit ndp.org.sg

Let us share more photos of the vehicles from Armed Forces and HomeTeam. Take note these photos are not in order.


Singapore Army Hunter
Singapore Army Hunter

The new Hunter. This ride is fully digital, guns and missiles can be fired without the crew exposing themselves. The Hunter is much bigger that the Bionix (not in picture).

The foreground flowers seem to camouflage the Leopards.

This uncle could be one of the pioneer tankee from Merdeka generation πŸ™‚Β 

Once you see the chinooks with the National flag, this is the cue for the vehicles to rolloff.

Belrex towing scout bikes.

Light Strike vehicles, only the Guards can play with this buggy.

Himars always look so docile, but packs a devastating payload.

Pegasus howitzer

Are these the radar trucks? Too many configurations.

Airbus A330 refuel tanker escorted by F15s. They replace the old KC-135.

This should be the harpoon.

Is this Aster 15 or 30?

Navy seems to bring out all their toys.

Navy divers on their RGIB.

Remote controlled Protector keeps our sea lanes safe.

My bike infront of the Navy special craft. Normally, the boat is very stealthy.

Bridge (M3G) under a bridge.

Heavy duty tow truck. Who call for Bob the builder? On a serious note, this monster will clear a path for others!

Advance and Overcome!

TP has many variants too.

There are many more HomeTeam vehicles(ambulances, police petrols, fire engines etc), a pity I had to rush home.

Hope to bring the kiddos back for more NDP 2019 Mobile Column vehicular actions.

Nicoll highway was still closed as I cycled home.

In case you are interested, you can follow my rough Google Map (URL) to cycle from Sengkang to Nicoll highway. It took me 1 hour through PCN (Park Connectors).

If your kids love army or HomeTeam actions, they will be thrilled by NDP 2019 Mobile Column.

For the rehearsal,Β  I would recommend that you arrive at around 6pm (or earlier for good spot). Be prepared to stay for up to 1 hour. The vehicles will move off around 1845 during rehearsals.

Do pop by our previous NDP Mobile Column photos and blog posts :
NDP 2019 Preview
2015 NDP Mobile Column
2010 post (still on old blog)

*Our previous NDP are documented here https://sengkangbabies.com/tag/ndp

CaltexGO app, NO more queues

Pumping of petrol should be Fast and Convenient.

How many of us have encounter long queues (both vehicle and payment) before? Or perhaps struggle to drag a sleepy child from car to cashier?

Introducing Caltex CaltexGO, a new Mobile App which will enhance your payment experience πŸ™‚

CaltexGO app
CaltexGO app

After downloading CaltexGo, just register your account and add your credit card, and you are ready to checkout (pun intended).

CaltexGo payment is fuss free and cool! Say Goodbye to long queues.

You will see CaltexGO posters at Caltex stations. I would be one of the consumers who have been waiting too long for a Mobile App payment app πŸ™‚

I can use my CaltexGo to help me find the nearest Caltex station. But why Sengkang and Punggol no Caltex :p

Ok, let me show you how easy it is to let CaltexGo pays for my fuel.

Step 1:Assuming I have driven into Caltex Holland, I will click on “Mobile Pay”. (Drivers please remember to off your engine before using the app)

Step 2: While the petrol is pumping, key in your “pump number”

Step 3:Β  Full tank, just click on “Pay Now“.


Only three simple steps and payment made! You will receive a Successful acknowledgement and e-receipt.


CaltexGo offers seamless payment, which means busy parents have more time to run our errands πŸ™‚

We can still choose to pay the traditional way. Feel free to grab a bite at Star Mart. Do take note CaltexGo mobile app cannot be used to pay for Star Mart purchases (maybe next time).


Just PUMP and GO WooHoo!


CaltexGo mobile app will have new promotions now and then for customers. We heard OCBC’s PLUS card offers the best deal at up to 18% discount.

New CaltexGo users will earn extra 2% discount πŸ™‚

LinkPoints, Caltex Loyalty points, one app to manage them all πŸ™‚

Image credit Caltex

There is a FAQ section on the mobile app too. And the no1 question could be “Is it safe to use a mobile phone in a petrol station?

The answers can be found on FAQ section -> http://caltexgo.com/sg

From my first payment experience, CaltexGo is slick and intuitive. We heard CaltexGo is still actively enhancing their app.

I would like to recommend a few more features for CaltexGo app :
-Extend CaltexGo to pumps across Malaysia
-QR Code payment, just scan and go β›½

CaltexGo app

Our fastest and easiest way to pay for fuel – the all new CaltexGo app is here. Simply open the app from inside your car, fuel, pay and go!Download the app today from Google Play and the App Store today.For more information: CaltexGO.com/sg

Posted by Caltex Singapore on Monday, 24 September 2018

Meanwhile, find out more about CaltexGo clip from their FacebookΒ and Website.