5th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

What comes to mind when you think of Hot Air Balloons?

Big, awesome, Cute, Freedom, FUN ! It can be anything. We pop over to Putrajaya’s 5th International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta last Friday, and took some photos with a SMURF !

Video : If you have not been near to a Hot Air balloon before, this clip should make your kids excited!

The night before, we stay at “CyberView Resort“. We will share more about this resort and Putrajaya/Cyberjaya sights in another post. GPS is a must as most road signs look identical.

We arrive at 0615 to catch the preparation. First ship will fly off around 0730 till 0900. Read the FAQs here. Families turn out in full force, excitement lingers in the air.

Gary from USA was a fun pilot, he keeps shouting 5,4,3,2,1 to attract photographers’ attention ! We can feel the flame from 5m away.

One bye one, the crew layout the basket and balloons over the square. There will be twenty balloons to wow the spectators.

The motor cranks up and blow air to fill the balloons. The balloons start to erect all around us. In less than 20min, a balloon is ready to take off !

Someone even peek at us from behind the tree line. Tethered rides are available for the adventurous.

For some reasons, everyone (especially photographers) wants to peep under the balloon πŸ™‚

In cold surroundings (ie 7am), Hot Air Rises, balloons float easier. Be careful not to BBQ the Butt !

Meanwhile, kids are trying to identify which “monster” will lift off next πŸ™‚

More photo opportunities.

We feel so tiny walking among the giant balloons. Kang with Buddy’s namecard.

20 balloons over 2 hours. “Excited and Thrill” cannot be used to describe our experience πŸ™‚
It is a FUN experience for everyone !

We heard Darth Vader and Doraemon has even appeared in previous Hot Air Balloon fiestas !

Pity the sky seems a bit hazy.

We must come back again πŸ™‚

Tips :
1) The gate officially open at 7am, but you can enter earlier. At 7am, only DSLRs are allowed into the compound. Those who arrive earlier (even without DSLR) will be allowed to venture real close to the balloons !

2) Hot air balloons only flys at 0700 to 0900, and 1800. Time your itinerary to capture the flights. There are fringe activities throughout the weekend.

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My friend enjoys the carnival and fireworks too ! Do pop by Milo’s blog πŸ™‚

Do pop by SengkangBabies fanpage for more action photos. We can get family portraits from every angles. More information about the Annual Hot Air Balloons :

Balloon Fanpage

ps.. Have you watch our video already? If not, go back to the top of this blog post.
You need to see it to feel the vibes !

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

12 thoughts on “5th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta”

  1. I went there on Saturday too! But unfortunately the weather was bad so I didnt get to see all the hot air balloons πŸ™ Do check out my post too! πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Carolyn, we drove to the site, which is huge!
      There have dedicated carpark lots but most cars were doing illegal park along the road.

      When you are there, ask the folks where they will Float the hotair balloons.
      Enjoy πŸ™‚

    1. Hi Elaine, I did not know they are charging for entry too (still ok for SG dollar).
      They used to charge a nominal fee to up/down the tethered balloon.

      For my family, just seeing the huge ballons inflating and rising was spectacular enough!


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