Let’s Bo Bo Cha Cha!

Little Boon Xin blowing kisses under three charming gals. Poster is from Great World Cabaret’s Let’s Bo Bo Cha Cha.
Bet she does not know Rose Chan and her snake was super-hot (literally) during the 1950s. Even Daddy and Mummy is too young to remember πŸ™‚

Anyway, Boon Xin is excited about her date with Mummy and Daddy.

The synopsis reveals how an aged (and balding) Museum caretaker once lived a colourful past at Singapore’s most famous nightclub, Great World Cabaret.

From start to end, Daddy had the Chingay feel-good vibes, the stage, cast, language and costume were so colourful and flamboyant.

That was how the 50s and 60s defined “entertainment”, before TV boxes (and Ipads) invaded our living rooms. We followed Simon as he relates his love story with Nancy, growing together with Great World Cabaret.

Drunken sailors. Sensational Rose, Magician Foo You Or and acrobats from Shandong.
Our little girl was chucking away. She really enjoyed Bo Bo Cha Cha at the Carabet!

Parents need not worry as there is no nudity on stage, and Daddy quietly laments that it is thus not authentic enough.

Heng ah (Lucky us), Valentiko (no typo error) aka Mark Lee was speaking in Hokkien and Mandarin during his standup. We adults have to think dirty a bit, then Mark’s Hokkien jokes will become hilarious. Yes, crude too haha.

(Fortunately, Boon Xin is still too young to understand the jokes, otherwise Daddy will have problem explaning!)

Mark Lee is in his element when he converse in Hokkien. This guy can host, act and he dazzles on stage. This Ah Beng can really Talk Cock do standup comedy. Just listen to him 鸟话 (you can infer as sweet-talk or talk-nonsense) about “calling chicken” and ηŒ«ε±±ηŽ‹’s origin πŸ™‚

Cannot talk never mind, must know how to whistle. Other notable Headliners will be Hossan, Sebastian and Judee (different performing dates).

Boon Xin found some Mediacorp stars (from Coffeeshop 118).

Great World Cabaret Let’s Go Bo Bo Cha Cha is a collaboration between Resorts World Sentosa and Dream Academy Productions, and will run from 19Feb to 17Mar. Click for show details and Youtube preview. Tickets details at Sistic website.

We will recommend this show for the Grandparents too, let them relive their happening days.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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