Super Day Camp review at SuperPark

This is our Super Day Camp review for SuperPark last weekend.

School exams are over, kids got to enjoy their freedom running around SuperPark.

Super Day Camp was a blast, kids got to pick up new skills too.

YouTube (link) SuperPark fun!


Super Day Camp is designed with kidΒ  4-12 years old in mind. Kids are grouped into separate age group and go through selected (curated) activities.

Super Day Camp
Super Day Camp

Our instructors will add some additional challenges into the activities. Kids had tons of fun attempting to outwit and outrun each other.

Never mind siblings or friends, these kids are out to WIN! But it is so much more fun to play together πŸ™‚

Super Day Camp review
Super Day Camp review

Through a series of play, younger kids can pick up new Sports, improve their motor skills and confidence. Kids are encouraged to cooperate with team members too, building up their social skills and teamwork.

Besides the fun activities, kids are welcomed to try all other challenges too (maybe after the official curriculum).Kids enjoying Catching in the maze too!

For some reasons, this boy loves parkour and was trying all sorts of stunts.

Singapore Super Camp photo
Singapore Super Camp photo

Thank you SuperPark for the Fun invitation. It was really fun to let the kids roam around and let down their hair.

You can read more about Super Day Camp review package at this link. Each camp is priced at $150 (inclusive entry fee) and will last 6 hours.(Enter code “MEDIA10” to enjoy 10% discount)

Different age groups will have different activities, the instructors will lead kids to play according to themes “Skills, Tricks and Competition“.

Kids, keep on Moving and enjoy an active lifestyle!

Super Day Camp in only available for June and July, but you can book online already. Do follow SuperPark Singapore Facebook and Website for the latest updates.

Do checkout our previous SuperPark post too.

Image credit SuperPark

ps.. Our SuperPark trip is sponsored (#SPRPRKSG #SuperParkSG #SuperDayCamp )


Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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