Sesame Street Run Singapore

Sesame Street celebrated its 50th Birthday with a series or runs in Asean cities. We ran in Singapore’s edition last Sunday.

Can you tell me how to get?
How to get to Sesame Street

The venue was at Tampines Hub.

Colourful Tees dot the stadium.

Cute characters sang Happy Birthday but Bid Bird was missing. Hello Ernie and Bert (waves!)

As the horn blasted, participants could run or walk, 2 or 5km around Tampines. Those who started in later waves could only walk as walkers packed the paths.

I had voted for 5km run, but overruled by the majority. So we end up completing our laps in 2 km.

There are cute alphabets along the way. Boon Xin and Dana (Life’s tiny Miracles). Good kakis make the journey shorter and more memorable πŸ™‚


A little foam party to welcome finishers. Kids wanted to linger longer but were Encouraged to move on haha.

Some folks were already infront of us, but man more lingers behind.

You can watch our running videos here.

There were some activities and photo opportunities at the end point.

Another Fun family outing for us. these occasions are getting rare as teenagers have their own social life.

We collected our medals and headed for breakfast πŸ™‚

Sesame Street Run Singapore
Sesame Street Run Singapore

We had an enjoyable morning but we understand why many families had expressed their disappointments on Sesame Street Run Singapore Fanpage.

Pity the volunteers and runners, and we hope the organisers can do a better job next round.

Do follow our running activities at this link.



Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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