Thomas & Friends at City Square Mall

[ Media Invite ]

Last Sunday, we were invited to view Thomas the train at City Square Mall. You can imagine the joy and anticipation from our kids.

While waiting for the Blue No1 train to roll into station, Rusty and Dusty kept us laughing at their antics.

Everyone learn about recycling, and there was even a sneaky cat trying to steal the show !

Smoking funnel ! We are still waiting for our favourite steam engine locomotive.

It was not long before Fat controller and Thomas came out to greet everyone. Kids were all eager to see their Thomas.

Another highlight for City Square Mall visitors must be the snow (indoor). Everyone tries to grab a piece of the snow foam.

He sees snow… (Boon Yee is too excited to shout)

Party confetti spew out and rain down on us, kids eagerly picked up different strips of colours πŸ™‚

Video : watch Thomas burst out onto the stage

We could not resist popping on stage to take a photo with our favourite train.
Thank you to City Square Mall for the choo choo invite πŸ™‚

We had wanted to carry on the Fun at the Christmas carnival. Outside the mall, light and snow show (including carnival rides) continues to bring joy to kids, and families.

A pity the relentless rain refuse to go away! Do pop by City Square Mall’s video and our friend BPDG’s review.

Indoor – Thomas and crew’s last day will be on 15Dec, they are performing on (Sat\Sun 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm), and (Tue\Fri 2pm and 7pm).
Outdoor – Christma Carnival will run till 29Dec, expect snow to fall daily at 8pm and 9pm.

More details and Christmas activities are available at City Square Mall’s website and Fanpage.

– Do pop by our previous experience, Chugginton (2012 Snow), and StudioMe wacky photos

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From now till 29Dec, snap and win attractive prizes at City Square Mall !

Chuggington rolls into City Square Mall

If your kids love trains, especially those which make choo choo sounds like Chuggington, head down to City Square Mall.

From now till 16th Dec, catch Chuggington’s performance at the following timing :

To quote from City Square Mall “The LIVE shows incorporates a first of its kind, eco theme, which aims to impart knowledge on being green and share tips on how children can make a difference even at their age, by being environmentally friendly.”

Even before the Chuggers pop out one by one, the kids were already screaming for their name “KoKo!”, ” Brewster!”, “Wilson!”.

There was even a snowman to entertain the kids.. but when the snow fell, screams echo around the Mall !

Besides having Fun, kids learn how to separate their rubbish into plastic, metal or paper, before dumping them into the correct bins.

Video : Look at the falling snow flakes !

After the last snow flake, we got to “Meet and Greet” the Chuggers πŸ™‚ Boon Yee kept rubbing the train’s nose.

For those who spend $50 and above, you can go up and greet the Trains.
If you spend $100 or more, there is a nice photo session with a Chuggington photo frame, a balloon and a coloring session.

Kang’s masterpiece

We first saw the trains outside when we arrive at the Mall. Kids were happily posing with their favourite locomotive.

The Chuggers should shout TRAINTASTIC !

While shopping, look who we caught at Toys r Us? Geoffrey!

Did you know that City Square Mall will have snow daily at 7:30PM?

It looks pretty FUN !

Image credit – City Square Mall Fanpage

Love the white Christmas setting at City Square Mall πŸ™‚
Are you in the mood to celebrate already?

We would like to take this opportunity to thanks City Square Mall for the invitation.
Please drop by their fanpage or webpage for more events update.

For more Choo Choo photos, do pop by our fanpage.