3M™ Polarizing Light helps our kids to study better

[sponsored review]

Our kids normally have their exams in the month of May. They will spent a lot of time studying, and we parents can try our best to make them comfortable.

Mummies can prepare tonic (we heard China students use drips !), while Daddies can bring them outdoors to chill and de-stress.

Parents should also take care of our kids’ eyes.
Our Primary Three boy (Wen Wei) easily clock 3 hours per day on his homework.
Multiply by 5 days and you get 15 hours.

Daddy is convinced that good lighting is critical for a child’s well being.
[extracted from 3M’s BL5100 brochure]

Click for more eye care tips at www.3Mpolarizinglight.com.sg. Daddy list out a few examples below :

– Let your eyes rest after every 30-40 minutes of near work.
– Maintain a distance of 30cm from your reading materials.
– Sit in a correct and comfortable posture when you are at your desk.
– If your desk surface is too reflective (e.g. glass), cover it with a less reflective material.

Not all lamp are the same, and 3M would tell you that Glare and reflection is bad for eyesight. Wen Wei is already be-spectacled, and we do not want his condition to deteriorate. Glare can cause eye strains and fatigue too.

[extracted from BL5100 brochure]

3M claims their lamp can reduce Glare by up to 60%. We recently got hold of a 3MTM Polarizing Light BL5100. 3M’s technology is in its Polarizing Filter which effectively reduces glare and blocks out UV. The new and innovative filter also allows heat to dissipate faster.

** Click to know more about Polarizing Filter.

Other features include :

– energy saving light bulbs that save up to 80% energy used. Save cost, and save the environment!
– adjustable height means even our smaller Primary One boy (Wen Kang) can use the lamp when he is studying

Thank you 3M, for allowing our kids to focus better, and improving our studying conditions.

Designed in two sleek colours, black and grey, the 3M™ Polarizing Light, BL5100 is available at $189 at Best Denki, Homefix DIY, POPULAR Bookstores and other major retailers.

Contest :
3M would like to engage our friends and readers for a 3M™ Polarizing Light giveaway. Stand to win 5 pieces of 3M Polarizing Light (BL 5100 Lamp) worth $189 each.
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How to win:
Tell us in 100 words or less, why you need a 3M Polarizing Light (BL 5100 Lamp)?

Send your answer, name, I/C number, mobile and email address
to officebiz@mmm.com by 17 Jun 2012.
(Please indicate you have seen this contest from SengkangBabies.com)
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Winners will be announced on 29th June 2012 via email or call.
Good luck.

– 3M reserves the right to amend “Terms and conditions” for this contest
– Please take note that above mentioned benefits are subject to certain lamp-angles, and different people will have different experiences.

We won a HP Folio 13 notebook

Remember our blog about Daddy going to whack some HP notebook?

The blogger with the most tweets is entitled to one notebook, and one of his lucky tweeter followers will win a second notebook 🙂

Hong Peng garnered a lot of tweets, and SengkangBabies‘s tweet to #hpility won a second HP Folio 13. Congrats to Hong Peng, and ourselves 🙂

Special thanks to HP (coincidentally Hong Peng’s initials) for the gift, and GoodStuph’s Daphne for the photo and “artistic cap” 🙂