Upgrades to SengkangBabies Blog

If you have scroll down our blog’s left panel, you would have noticed a few tweaks and eye candy has been added.

We have an Instagram account now, with a small following, and Daddy will try to keep our Instagram only for photos (not blog).

Click on the Email button on our blog. Finally, we have our own @SengkangBabies email account. Maybe that will make our blog more professional to PR and more personal to friends 🙂
social media buttons

For tips on adding the Social Media buttons, click WordPress instructions and free Social Media buttons.
Sengkangbabies instagram, instagram for blog

A new Photo.摄影 page. Daddy pick up photography through blogging. We have a humble camera but it has brought us many good memories over the years.

.. but Daddy is saying good memories do not need sharp photos or expensive gears.

We will share our own learning journey, and tips on photography.
(Disclaimer Daddy is far from being a professional photographer.)

blog header

Click on YouTube button for cute videos of Sengkang Babies, read this post. We are never tired of rewinding good old memories. The kids are second guessing who is who :p

Do not stop taking photos and videos frequently, memories are worth the efforts.
Family videos, how to upload to youtube

We added more plugins to enhance your experience. CommentLuv, most popular blog posts and more anti-spam features etc. If you are not a bot, feel free to drop us a note and link up your latest posts.

link love plugin, most popular post plugin, anti spam plugin, wordpress org plugin

SengkangBabies’ motto is “We bring you Fun!“, so it makes sense to add more collages of holidays and our favourite itineraries on the side panel. Actually, Daddy is copying the ideas from his fellow Daddy bloggers :p

Are you keen to explore Hong Kong, Taiwan or Goldcoast ?

We are leaving our SEARCH button at the top, as we felt that is the fastest way to search for a particular “adventure“.

Whoever says Singapore is boring has not visited our blog yet 🙂
SengkangBabies holidays, Sengkangbabies legoland, Sengkangbabies itinerary

We added more PR friendly banners. Marketing folks love numbers.. And we are glad our blog is slowly gaining more popularity. Thank you all for your support 🙂

Did you know Boon Wee has appeared on Ch8 when he was still in Pre-school?
bloggers in the news, popular bloggers

The whole package aims to reinforce our family’s interest in preserving our childhood memories, and sharing more Fun places. We hope everyone leaves our blog with a smile 🙂

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Tips for adding blog enhancement :

– the No 1 rule is always to backup your Blog template and contents first ! It is not fun to troubleshoot all the Html tags and brackets if something goes wrong

– do not spend too much time adding all the plugins. It will not help with blog performance and SEO. The biggest impact is changing your blog cover

Our blog is top 25 in Singapore ?

Thanks to TheSmartLocal for spotlighting our blog. It is both a humbling and joyous occasion (at least online), to be acknowledged as “popular” haha 🙂

Read TheSmartLocal’s summary of Top 25 Popular bloggers Singapore here.

If this is the first time you are visiting Sengkang Babies blog, do pop by 盛港宝宝’s bio first, our Motto “We bring you Fun!” must have interests a lot of visitors 🙂

Alexa indicates we are near the top, because of our increasing “unique” visitors over the last three months. If we compare solely by ranking, we might be somewhere in the top 100 or 200, which is still a remarkable achievement.

** Daddy is trying to say there are a lot of GooD Awesome Blogs in Singapore !

Our blog receives 1000 hits every day, of which 75% are unique visitors. That 3,000 spike is due to the haze. Our Travel itineraries are very popular with families during the holidays.

To thanks our fans and readers, we can only continue to work harder, to tell more people that Singapore is not boring. The next project for us will be on Photography, we hope to share our experience on how not to be the Missing “Photographer”. Every family should have nice portraits 🙂

Follow our adventures on Fanpage, Twitter and pInterest.
Daddy cannot wait to share this news with the kids 🙂