Raffles Medical’s Inspirational photo contest

Growing up, our parents always remind us that Health is Wealth.
Daddy mentioned that after we become parents ourselves, this will be even more meaningful.

We can be millionaires but without Health, we will not be able to accomplish a lot of activities with our kids. Simple things which we take for granted, like education, choosing our own lifestyles and even Family outings might become that much more difficult to attain.

Recently on Tuesday Report (星期二特写’s 我还年轻), we saw a Mr 林义发 running Ultra-Marathon! His feat needs him to run with minimum sleep over days to cover a distance up to 5 Marathions! His inspiration was to complete the run to support Charity. 我还年轻 (literally I am still young) showcases senior citizens who are young at heart, is still broadcasting every Tuesday on Ch8 1030PM.

Oh, we forgot to mention Mr Lin is 60 years already !

(image credit Tuesday Report)

Our blog is all about Family happiness and fulfillment, and this will be a challenge if Daddy or Mummy is sickly. Although Daddy is not planning to run a 42km Marathon soon, he has promised the kids to run and swim more frequently, but somehow his growing waistline seems to suggest otherwise ooops.

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Now Raffles Medical Group wants you to highlight who has inspire you to lead a healthier, fitter and happier lifestyle.

Maybe your kids have encourage you to stop smoking, or spouse wants you to go easy on sugar intake? Daddy told us IPPT was also a key factor to keep him (and countless NSmen) fit :p

Do summit your inspirational photos over at Raffles Medical’s fanpage.
Who is your Health Inspiration?

More details here :
– LIKE Raffles Medical Group fanpage first, then join the “You are my Health Inspiration” contest.
– If your photos are picked as one of the winners, stand to win USS tickets and health vouchers

Good luck and more importantly Good Health 🙂