Every dream starts with the first brick

Kids, it is okay to day dream and I want you to dream big.
If my kids cannot dream, then I would have failed as a Dad.

You might have heard “Every dream starts with the first brick“, or “Every marathon starts with the first step“. I always tell the Missus that it is better to daydream rather than no dreams (ie only addicted to your mobile devices)

Photo below, one of the small bricks which when assembled, will become the six wheels menacing “Axl’s Tower Carrier”! I will be using LEGO as an analogy for some crucial life skills.

Since young, I have been encouraging the kids to lead an active lifestyle.
Sports can mold their determination and sportsmanship, to never give up and most importantly, put in their BEST efforts.

Using our LEGO kit “Axl’s Tower Carrier” as an analogy, I try to help Boon Yee understand that building a LEGO has the same synergy as in LIFE. We set a mission, and we strive to achieve it.

With our LEGO Nexo Knights kit, our mission was to construct a mobile tower and chase down the bad guy(Burnzie) and his side kicks.
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From swimming to cycling and jogging, hiking is our latest passion. Kids are exposed to all sports. Besides getting active and healthy, I really hope their outlook would become more positive and confident.

The recent hike up 513m Gunung Panti (read here) is a testament that my kids loved their sporty lifestyle!

I hope my kids understand that a good foundation is necessary before we can climb higher and realised our dreams and aspirations.
parenting molding kids characters

When it looks impossible, be brave. Mind over body, this is only possible if we have a positive character and the will to succeed.
hiking with kids

In this post, I will try to share what we have learned through sports, and how it can mold our characters.

– Have an open mind
– If in doubt, ASK (be humble, and seek help)
– Never Give up, Try your Best

1) Have an Open Mind
The World (Universe) is so wide. Not too long ago, people believed the Earth was Flat, and nobody heard of electricity or gravity.

Have an Open Mind, ASK questions and find out WHY.
If we close our minds, we narrow our vision and limit our knowledge.
The “Whys” and “Hows” will broaden our horizon and allow us to learn more.

When someone tell you something is not possible, do not take his words for it.
Be curious be adventurous go explore and discover, challenge the norms.

2) Ask!
With best efforts, there are somethings beyond our human mind.
If we are lost, or if we do not understand specific topics, always Ask!
(There are no stupid questions)

The dilemma for parents is we are sometimes annoyed by kids’ constant challenge and arguments haha.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when we seek knowledge. On the other hand, it would be sad if we choose to keep quiet and pretend that we understand.

(Back to our LEGO experience).
In their haste, kids always skip a step or two or plug in any bricks. When someone take over the construction, he will realised that some functions are not working, and we end up wasting more time trying to troubleshoot.

If unsure of the steps, kids should always consult siblings or parents. We got some helpful clues from Youtube too!
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3) Never Give up, try your best
Son, it is perfectly ok if we do not understand certain concepts or actions.
Adults are sometimes bewildered too, but we must be resourceful enough to seek new knowledge.
We must be brave enough to ask (point 2).

It is only when we are curious that we pick up new skills and knowledge.

In sports, athletes always emphasized Mind over Body. It is this self-belief that I wish to inculcate in the kids. Believe in yourself, have faith in your mission, just do it!

You might succeed or fail, but you must enjoy the learning journey.

Boon Yee’s “Axl’s Tower Carrier” is finally completed.
Looking back, the task looks daunting when we first started. But we realised our task is achievable after seeing the completed Tower carrier.

He loves the six giant wheels, which looks like an armoured personal carrier.
The armament and equipment on Axl’s Mobile Tower are formidable and will help him in his mission to defend his city.

We can even detached Axl’s tower to become a fire-base. Watch video below to see how catapult and missiles are launched!

Video : LEGO’s new Nexo Knights kits in action

Nobody wants to be Burnzie (bad guy), as we all want to be on the winning side haha.

Whether you are the Good or Bad guys, I thought some colouring pages would be cool for our LEGO fans (from Danish LEGO page)

We had earlier share our experience with Nexo Knights Fortrex earlier, sharing how we nurture some family values. Read more here.

LEGO Nexo Knights

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Introducing Lego Nexo Knights. Think old school Lego Kingdom, knights, shields, and catapults. These kits have all been upgraded!

Getting kids engaged at a young age. Since young, Boon Xin always find it more fulfilling to join her brothers’ adventures.

What has not changed is the way LEGO allows kids to exercise their creativity and resourcefulness.
From the instruction menu, everyone can identify the parts and quantity. Fixing them in sequence, block by block and module by module, kids managed to build everything with minimum supervision.
Lego Nexo Knights
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Short Summary of LEGO Nexo Knights :
– 5 Knights, Clay, Macy, Lance, Aaron and Axl
– Their mentor wizard, Merlock 2.0.

Together, they have to fight Jestro (the evil jester) and their lava monster army.
Moltor Lava Smasher

Boon Yee taking his Lava Smasher down a path of destruction. (I think it is more fun to play the bad guy as their toys are always more cool!)
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When I say hi-tech, these Nexo Knights can be upgraded in their app (WOW!). Download Merlock 2.0 app to bring the game to another level (and dimension!)

Merlock 2.0 is free on iTunes and Google Play. Kids’ characters can collect unique powers by scanning special codes.
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Meanwhile, kids are embarking on another challenge, constructing the Fortrex (mobile castle!)

Checkout the new Nexo Knights cartoon series on Youtube, and do pop by LEGO Nexo Knights website for the latest updates.