Macdonald invites you to 2012 London Olympics


2012 London Olympics is around the corner, and Macdonald is sending three young ambassadors to London. To quote from them :

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Play is not a luxury in our children’s lives. It’s essential.

It has been scientifically proven that play is essential for a child’s healthy development, helping kids social, cognitive, emotional and physical growth. Importantly, kids today don’t get enough play. They spend increasing amounts of time behind computer and video screens, with increasing pressure on academic performance.

Reaffirming our commitment to children’s well-being, McDonald’s will leverage on the power of play for the good of kids everywhere. We will come together as one world to champion the cause of play, because play has purpose. Play that stirs creative minds and sets bodies in motion, play that brings family and friends together and nourishes our kids – body, mind and spirit.
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From 01Mar to 13Apr, ask your kids about their favourite sports, summit their request to be Champions of Play, and come July London, you might just get to shake Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt‘s hands ! Imagine how this will ink a milestone in our kid’s growing up years 🙂

Three lucky kids in Singapore will join two hundred others worldwide for the Olympics. More details can be found here –>