[ Media Invite ]
We were invited by Oreo to catch the latest movie, Transformers Age of Extinction.
You can expect new robots in Michael Bay’s latest Transformer installment, including Dinobots and a mean bounty hunter Lockdown (that cool Lamborgini).
However, we did not know the movie is almost 3 hour long !
(image credit Oreo)
The show started with how humans betrayed the Autobots after Chicago (Dark of the Moon). Everywhere, Autobots were hunted and they had to lay low.
Do not go too deep into the sub-plots when you watch a Transformer movie, just enjoy the Transformers, the actions and the explosions. Just when we thought we had enough excitement, when the good guys are facing defeat, Optimus Prime released the Dinobots!
Hong Kong was the final battleground between good and evil. And special effects tore downtown Hong Kong upside down!
(image credit Oreo)
Video : Daddy’s favourite characters are Dinobots and Lockdown, the latter has an impressive spaceship. Everytime Lockdown appears, you know something bad is going to happen.
We would like to Thanks Oreo for the Movie invite, it was a good opportunity for the boys (Daddy included) to bond over Transformers. We hope to revisit Universal Studio‘s 3D Transformer Ride again!
We each have our favourite Robot characters, but we all love Oreo cookies !
Twist it, Lick it or Dunk it!
To encourage more families to enjoy family activities together, Oreo has release OreoDIT (Do-it-together on IOS, Android version by next week). Check it out on Oreo Fanpage too!
(image credit Oreo)
Need more Oreo or Transformers?
You can enter Oreo’s contest with every $5 worth of Oreo cookies, and stand to win a trip to Califonia Universal! T&C in this link.