There are dogs, death, puppies and Wen Wei even imagine himself becoming a father one day, and giving dogs to his children ! Mummy and Daddy are very proud of his creative mind, but we are also intrigued and amused haha 🙂
The compo theme is “Tears swell in my eyes“, we did not know Primary schools are now training kids to express their Emo and EQ keke.
Wen Wei writes until “Got dragon got tiger” (Hokkien dialect 有龙有虎, meaning very flowery). No wonder his teacher make special mention to his essay.
But do you know what is amazing?
We do not have any pets, but that did not stop Wen Wei’s imagination.
Our big family must have rub off on him. He even dreams about his grandchildren having puppies for pets wahaha.
Wen Kang will catch up soon.
He dreams about having a motorbike in our house. We told him motorbike can only sit two (unless you are in Vietnam, where one bike takes Six ! ) Kang nods his head, he still want his motorbike.