Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift

Last December, we volunteered with Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift campaign to deliver Goodies bag with Boys’ Brigade. Volunteers can choose to deliver the goods, or purchase pre-packed bags from NTUC.

More details can be found on BB’s website –

Packing has been done beforehand and consolidated at Boys’ Brigade HQ.  Interested volunteers just need to indicate their availability online (with car and partners), show up and load the bags into cars.

The Boys ‘ Brigade kids and volunteers will help you load the bags. And these bags are not light!

We got 5 families (beneficiaries) worth of bags to deliver for the morning. You will normally need half a day to complete all deliveries.

Two by two, we took turns to deliver the Goodies Bags.
No1 excused as he had basketball lesson.

Bonus for us, when the same block has more than three recipients.
Aka less running for us 🙂

Boys' Brigade Share-a-Gift
Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift

While doing good, our family had more bonding and interaction opportunities. 有钱出钱 有力出力, every little effort helps.

Kids take turn to play different roles.
Some are navigator, some carry the bags or  plan for next stop etc.
We got kids who are in charge of beverage too.
Hydration is important.

All these activities sound much better than playing mobile games in their virtual world :p

Volunteering in Singapore
Volunteering in Singapore

This is not the first community outreach event for us. It is a good way to impart empathy for the little ones.

Families might be keen to contribute more to charity with kids. I have list some of our (old and new) volunteering experiences below.

Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift
Touch Meals On wheels (MOW) (Meals delivery)
Comchest Fudai 福袋 (Goodies delivery)
Willing Hearts (Kitchen help)
Acres (Age 14+, our kids are animal lovers)

We hope to deliver more goodie before and after Chinese New Year too.
Happy volunteering!


Comchest Fudai 2019

Yesterday, our family was activated for Comchest Fudai 2019. Kids were kept busy packing and delivering Comchest Fudai 福袋 (公益金 Community Chest).  Mobilised once a year, Fudai campaign hopes to bring warmth and necessities to Comchest beneficiaries.

The tagline “送一个福袋, 献一份爱心” is both meaningful and practical. While we are helping others, our kids pickup empathy and charity spirit too.


For the first session, volunteers were activated to pack the goodies into Fudai (festive packs). This took up to 2 hours in the morning.

Half of our family was mobilised, and the other half joined us for the delivery segment.

Comchest Fudai 2019 goodies
Comchest Fudai 2019 goodies

Packing can be tiring for the little ones, but we try to enjoy the process. Kids would be heartened to know that their efforts will bring warmth and smile to someone else.

Family effort, every bit helps. It is always more meaningful to volunteer together as a family.

Image credit Mmlittlee

Some of the goodies found in the bag.

There are instructions to help us pack in order, this ensure that all items are accounted for and in sequence.

But I guess some folks are too enthusiastic and “anyhow” packed :p

Image credit Comchest

Family effort, every bit helps. 有钱出钱,有力出力.

Comchest Fudai 2019
Comchest Fudai 2019

Thank you Community Chest for the invite. Always proud to see the kids contribute to a good cause 🙂

Our previous Fudai experiences captured here.

Families might be keen to contribute more to charity with kids. I have list some of our (old and new) volunteering experiences below.

Boys’ Brigade Share-a-Gift
Touch Meals On wheels (MOW) (Meals delivery)
Comchest Fudai 福袋 (Goodies delivery)
Willing Hearts (Kitchen help)
Acres (Age 14+, our kids are animal lovers)