22.23 Feb, Chingay 2013 intends to wow you with “Fire in Snow”.
We always associate Chingay as a massive parade, where everyone from young to old, all genders all races would participate to bring out Singapore’s multi-culturalism. The Songs, the Music, the Drama all comes together to showcase an Asian musical theatre.
To quote from Chingay 2013 :
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Chingay 2013 celebrates the strength of the human spirit in the face of life’s challenges. Themed ‘Fire in Snow’, it presents a dazzling spectacle of fire as a symbol of power, passion, dynamism and determination. In contrast, the cold, harsh snow symbolises struggles and hardships, which are overcome by fire’s indistinguishable light of hope.
In 2012, Chingay surprise us by turning F1 pit into a waterway, and Daddy is curious to discover how 2013 can raise the bar higher 🙂
This year’s theme is “Fire in Snow” (雪中火). Casting 3000 performers, and an expected 160,000 strong audience over two days, this parade is likely to be spectacular. From the video above, with the Falling Snow and Simmering Fire, we are in for a treat !
PA wok donation is ongoing, as they need the Woks for cooking holding the fire :p
Besides the Fire, you can expect Opera performances (with Phamtom of the Opera theme), pyrotechnics and even firecrackers. Click for more Chingay 2013 highlights.
Remember the date 22.23Feb, tickets are on sale now.
SengkangBabies is proud to be invited to cover Chingay 2013, stay with us as we bring you more updates in the weeks ahead.
More information about Chingay 2013 can be found at the links below :
– http://www.facebook.com/passionchingayclub
– http://www.chingay.org.sg/
– Our 2012 Chingay Coverage (水中妆艺)
** All images above are from Chingay 2013 website
Daddy will leave you with a snippet of Chingay 2013 actions, thanks to Darren Chin Photography. We always love his fisheye capture of friends.
** updated 06Feb – Catch Queenstown Cantonese Opera troupe backstage preparation
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