Embrace Racial Harmony Day

21Jul is Racial Harmony Day in Singapore. School going kids will be donning different ethnic costumes to school today. Our kids love their Malay and Indian attire in previous years.

Daddy always tell the kiddos to embrace Singapore’s multi-cultural landscape.
We should not pretend that Racials slur and slangs do not exist, but we should work on our common strength πŸ™‚

Video : Look at how Serangoon Garden’s students celebrate diversity πŸ™‚

For many of us, especially guys, the place when we gets to embrace Multi-ethnicity is when we go into the army. Maybe it is time to explore Little India or Kampong Glam (Sultan Mosque) again.

Daddy hopes there will be a day when we identify ourselves as “Singaporeans”, instead of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Eurasians.

Daddy thought Boon Yee looks like 武松 in his outfit haha.
Anyway, Happy Racial Harmony Day to everyone πŸ™‚

Muscles needed to help scrub a house

I am using SCRUB to define the state of the home.

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9 adults from same family.

Matriarch is 90+ years old, children married 60/70 years old
5 or 6 grandchildren aged 20 to 30+ .

Between the grandchildren, there are 6 or 7 babies.
I am not asking who are the parents.

Most of the grandchildren are lunatics.
One suffers from autism.
One just committed suicide recently.

I am not here to judge.
I am shouting out for help, on behalf of Fion Phua (潘迎芬).

Fion Phua urgently need muscles to scrub and paint the house.
Baby cot and beds are infested with bed bugs!
I hate to imagine what is happening to the babies?

We are still talking about Singapore, and this is real life story.
I cannot imagine how bad is the living condition.
We sometimes ask ourselves how can some families fall though the safety nets?

Who is able to stand out and volunteer yourself?

24th Mar from 0700 onwards, Block 37 Circuit Road.
Fion will be coordinating the cleaning efforts.
Please contact her at 9833 3893.

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On the day itself :
– Fion wants me to remind you to wear only old clothes (discard)
– gloves and mask might be recommended
– Do not drive as bugs/fleas might infest your car
– Volunteers are supposed to bath at a public facility

This is not going to be an easy job, otherwise Fion would not be shouting desperately.
It would be kind of you to help pass this message to big-hearted friends.

(At this point of time, Fion is still coordinating all the different groups, so timing might be subject to change )

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Fion Phua is actively involved with volunteering.
Her weekends are spent checking out old rental units, to find out who needs help.
Some call her ε₯³δΎ  (chivalrous).
I got to see her in action through one of her door-knocking sessions.