Cavalia Singapore Horse extravaganza!

[ Media Invite ]

Cavalia Singapore’s horses have invaded Marina Bay, you see them everywhere! Posters, pony toys, and 2014 happen to be the year of the zodiac Horse.

What comes to mind when we think of Horses?
Majestic, grace and power, especially when the horses gallop with the wind.
The beasts’ handsome manes and tails (Cavalia’s horses got braids too!)

The horses at Cavalia Singapore are all tall and muscular, except for a miniature 🙂

What comes across our mind when we think Circus?
Acrobats, daredevil stunts, swings and somersaults. Whole suite of activities to entertain families.

Combine Horses with Circus and you can imagine what the neigh hype Cavalia is all about. Think musical interaction between horses and men, except the horses are the stars at Cavalia, not the humans.

To quote from Cavalia :
“All the way from Quebec, a show unlike any other, Cavalia explores and celebrates humankind’s longstanding relationship with the horse. The show is a harmonious celebration of beauty and nature, encompassing imagery that whisks the spectator’s imagination around the earth over land and sea. Supported by state-of-the-art multimedia, Cavalia can be described as an epic adventure transporting the audience into virtual environments. The large-scale production stars 50 horses and 46 acrobats, aerialists, dancers, musicians and riders from around the world, and has been seen by more than 4 million spectators worldwide.”

Cavalia tickets

Next to Marina Bay Sands, you must have noticed the huge white tent (Big Top) belonging to Cavalia Singapore. Standing at 110 feet tall and 160 feet wide, Big Top can accommodate an audience of up to 2000. The stables are stationed under another tent.

Last Tuesday was Cavalia’s premier and all tickets were sold out.
– 50 horses will be performing under this tent till 05Oct (extended from 14Sep)
– 16 of the horses are stallions, which is rare for so many of them to be housed under one roof (or horse breeder)
– 34 horses have been neutered
– We were surprised that there are no female horses at Cavalia Singapore

Click to learn more about the horses (characters, logistics and maintenance).

How to go to Cavalia Singapore

It is a breath-taking sight whenever the horses start galloping together in unison. We can feel the expression of free spirit, and your heart will beat slightly faster too, following the hoofs’ tempo, admiring the amazing and beautiful beasts.

Enter the human performers with their circus acts, non-stop flips and somersaults. There are gravity defying somersaults from horse backs too. You can imagine gymnasts going about their elements, the only difference is their platform is now Moving!

Cavalia Singapore performers display agility, balance, flexibility and power on a galloping horseback. They make the stunts look so easy and elegant!

** We took a moment to remind the kids that these are trained professionals (both human and horse), and kids should not try the stunts at home

Over 2 hours, we witnessed the close bond between the trainers and their horses.
A gentle whisper, and the horses proceed to execute the next choreographed sequence.
Be it galloping in synchronisation, walking sideway, or even standing on its hind leg.

Kids’ eyes were fixated on the stage, guessing whether another stallion will pop out from the left or right. Applause rings around the arena whenever horse and men (women too) executes another perfectly timed element.

(Image credit Cavalia Fanpage)

Cavalia Singapore’s 210 foot long backdrop is very impressive.
It’s projected landscapes draw the audience into a desert, forest or mountain range.
We even witnessed sunrise and Winter!

The backdrop heightens everyone’s experience. With special lighting, we are immersed into a different world. After Winter comes Spring, and the lush green meadow seems to extend from the screen onto the stage.

Cavalia left the best visual effects for the finale.
As “rain” cascade down slowly, we seem to be able to hear the echo of flowing-water riveting around the Tent.

Just imagine it is raining outside and close your eyes, it is that soothing.

We have seen media preview of horses galloping across a water body, and we eagerly watch the stage transform into a stream.

The horses seem to love their new water playground, gleefully prancing round and round the stage, as the audience soak in the spectacular display.

Video : Cavalia Singapore highlights

Tips to enjoy the show
– clear your bladder before the show starts. It is inconvenient to climb down and up the stairs when the lights are dimmed
– the show is 2.5 hours, and there is a 30min interval at the 1 hour mark
– the seats are quite cramped. Please try to be punctual, otherwise you will be inconveniencing others
– it is very tempting to photograph or film for memories’ sake, but please remind your neighbours “No Flash”

– photos – introducing the horses to Singapore
– pop by Cavalia website and Fanpage for tickets (last day 14th Sep) and promotions
– read our fellow horse-lovers’ reviews from Cheekiemonkie and PrincessDanaDiaries

Daddy would like to use a Hokkien lingo “No Horse Run!” to describe Cavalia Singapore. Translated literally, Cavalia is an epic two hours of pure adrenalin entertainment.

We would like to thanks URA and Cavalia for the kind invitation. Everyone from young to old was gleaming when they left the Big Top.

Wishing Cavalia a successful tour in Singapore.
一马当先, 马到成功!

** all images above (unless otherwise highlighted) credit to Cavalia

Pasteurized eggs in Singapore

[ Media Invite ]

If you are shopping for eggs, you might notice a certain brand Egg Story with a “P”.

P stands for Pasteurized, and we were invited to visit the one and only farm in Singapore with the capability to produce Pasteurized fresh eggs, N&N Agriculture.
Pasteurized eggs Singapore

Daddy admits he is not the chap shopping for eggs at supermarkets. And if you ask him to buy a dozen, he will just tikum (random) pick any brand, price and packaging.
After all, eggs are eggs right?

A farm visit would be perfect to help Daddy understand more about eggs, pasteurized ones. The term “Pasteurized eggs” is new to Daddy too, what is the difference from a normal egg?

During our orientation, N & N shared their Egg Story, and AVA (Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority)’s stringent safety regulations. Food contamination can happen when personnel do not practice good hygiene habits (washing hand, separating raw and cooked food etc).

We are impressed by the technology used to pasteurize the eggs, and the different brands of eggs a single farm produces.
N & N Agriculture produces about 400,000 eggs per day. Daddy did some digging and realised Singaporeans love Eggs. We consume over 300 million eggs every year!

Some benefits of Pasteurized Eggs are listed in Egg Story’s brochures. The quality is especially beneficial for more vulnerable individuals, like children, pregnant ladies,
seniors and individuals with lower immunity.

Before we were allowed inside the hi-tech farm, we need to wear our spacesuits (protective gears for bio-security reasons). It is crucial to ensure we do not contaminate the production area.
farm visits protection clothings

We are not allowed to photo the (patented) Pasteurization process, but you can try to imagine the eggs going inside a jacuzzi. The water temperature is precisely controlled over a period of time to ensure accurate pasteurization. The timings and temperature controls are delicate, too hot and the eggs would be cooked, too cold and the Salmonella bacteria and Bird Flu virus will not be effectively killed

We were told that bacteria and virus can be inside or outside an egg shell.
Each egg shell has almost 20 000 pores on the surface (for embryo to breath), and sometimes bacteria can sneak in, if the natural protective layer of an egg is breached.

Bacteria like Salmonella and Bird flu virus are harmful for human consumption. If a mother hen is already infected, her eggs may be contaminated during egg formation in the hen.

After each batch of eggs is pasteurized, they are coated with a layer of food-grade wax. This protects the pasteurized eggs and keeps them fresh too.

So, what is the pasteurization process, and why is it beneficial?
More details available on Egg Story’s FAQ page.
Eggs Pasteurization process

This is the factory floorspace after the pasteurization process, where the eggs are waxed, sorted and packaged.

Factory bloggers workers inspecting N & N’s pasteurized eggs.

N & N’s Pasteurized eggs in the news.

Difference between Pasteurized and normal eggs?
Appearance wise, a Pastuerized egg white would be slightly more cloudy (due to protein structure change during the Pasteurization process), but the eggs are not cooked and their nutritional value and flavour are retained.

Now that we know Pasteurized eggs offer more protection against infection from Salmonella bacteria and Bird Flu virus, how is the taste compared to a normal egg?

Our half-boiled pasteurized Eggs taste exactly the same and the texture similar.
We are happy to note that the price difference is minimal for Pasteurized eggs too.

When Daddy goes eggs shopping next time, he will be looking out for Egg Story pastuerized eggs marked with “P”.

Hint: Pasteurized eggs are available at these supermarket stores, and they are in the chiller section (for freshness).

Our Nutritious and Healthy Pasteurized eggs.

(Image credit N & N Agriculture)

We would like to thanks N & N Agriculture for hosting us, do pop by their website and fanpage to learn more about Pasteurized Eggs, recipes too. Their company motto is “以人为本”.

Fairprice, Cold Storage, Giant and Sheng Siong, are you hiring egg promoters?

Are you ready for more good news? From now till 31st Aug, N & N Agriculture is running a contest. Just watch a video, and 5 winners stand to walk away with $300 supermarket voucher each.

Click the “Sweepstakes” tab at N & N Agriculture Fanpage (do take note link might not work from a mobile phone).

Disclaimer. This is a sponsored post.