RSAF45 at Singapore Airshow

[ Media Invite ]

RSAF45 is about Singapore Air Force’s 45th anniversary. They will be holding an exhibition at SA2014 (Singapore Airshow), and we were invited to touch the Apaches, Falcons and Eagles !

Wow, Daddy did not tell Boon Wee and Boon Yee that Hercules C-130 is Heavy?
Hercules c-130 Singapore

And how often can we stand so near to F15 Eagle’s rear, oops we meant afterburner :p

We started our tour in RSAF’s pavilion, where visitors will learn about RSAF’s transformation and capabilities.
– Zone 1 – Our Air Force Heritage and Transformation
– Zone 2 – Experiencing our Air Force Capabilities
– Zone 3 – Our People, Our Tribe.

Kids wasted no time mapping their own Fun itinerary, (hint) Zone 2’s simulation booths are kids’ equivalent of Timezone!
Exhibition booth RSAF45; Map of RSAF at Singapore Air show

Seriously, Fighter Jets can land on Lim Chu Kang Road, kids thought Daddy was joking.

UAV has been loitering in the sky for quite some time (since 1998s), and collecting first hand intelligence.

Air to Air refueling.

We learn more about RSAF’s layered security umbrella (anti aircraft)

Give Boon Yee a Mistral, he has experience with Nerf Guns.

Guess which is my favourite missile, Aster 30 or Spyder?
Anti Aircraft missiles Singapore, AA RSAF

Modern warfare is all about Network Integration.
3G SAF Integrated strikeforce
SAF Air Defence network

Last Saturday, everyone has their hands busy trying to direct a war.
Even Nintendo Wii can help us mechanic wanabes haha.
Simulation and Games at RSAF45

To call for a smart bomb, kids just aim the cursor at target, click <Enter> or click mouse. Daddy hope Boon Yee is not lasering the wrong apartment.

Kids can attempt a 9G on their F16, without feeling giddy.

Besides missiles and simulation, RSAF also showcase it’s humanitarian efforts.

RSAF’s arsenal on display. Tons of photo opportunities for families.
RSAF anniversary static display; apache at Singapore Air Show

SuperPuma family

Kids are eager to sign-on as future Air Force pilots, Boon Wee need to wait another 8 years.

The big guys in the RSAF, Chinook and Hercules. Did you know Chinook airframe has been used by USAF since 1960s.
Biggest Helicopter Singapore Air Force; Chinook ride

Hercules C-130, serving RSAF since 1977.

We say hello to an uncle Jet, Daddy say F5E is older than him !

But F5E is still a respectable interceptor in RSAF.

We realised RSAF’s Fighting Falcons are not exactly young anymore. Since 1990, they have undergone countless upgrades, and Black Knights’ acrobatics show the nimble F16s are still agile and lethal.

AEW (Airborne Early Warning), the old Hawkeye e-2C and the new Gulfstream 550.

Up in the air the G550 will give Singapore advance notice when hostile forces are detected, but on the ground, the G550 is providing some shades from the sun.

Some other interesting exhibits at 2014 Singapore Airshow. Will Singapore be buying the 5th generation F35?

We could not cover all the mean machines, click link for a map of RSAF booth and assets.

(Image credit RSAF and SA2014)

Boon Yee is clearly impressed with RSAF45’s exhibition.

We gather outdoor for the Acrobatic Flying Displays.

Black Knights Rocks, even when inverted !
Black Knights performance timing

RSAF’s Black Knights last thrilled the crowed six years ago, we witness precision manoeuvres, split seconds rolls.

Have you seen F16s and F18s (Australian Air Force) in slow motion before? Really cool as they drift infront of you at (perhaps) CTE’s speed limit.

Video : Loops, Rolls, RSAF45 Black Knights in action

When the jets power their afterburners, kids cover their ears !

Thank you RSAF, for protecting Singapore’s way of life.

Do pop by these links for more videos of Black Knights, from behind the cockpits! (Video 1 and Video 2)

15th and 16th Feb, Singapore Airshow will be opened to public.
Transport to Singapore Air Show

Two sections will make the kids and parents happy.
3D screening, let Black Knights tell you about “Sky’s the Limit“.
video of RSAF Black knight

Role playing a military career is always popular with kids, parents will be glad to see their junior pilots in No1. (checkout previous open house Navy and Army too!)
RSAF uniform kids

Media group photo.

(image credit RSAF)

Goodie bags and tattoos from RSAF, we would like to thanks RSAF for the invitation.

Do pop by The Republic of Singapore Air Force Facebook page for the latest updates.
More photos are available on our Fanpage album.

Video : RSAF45 activities

Additional points
– RSAF45 is a ticketed event, as part of Singapore Air Show 2014
– Singapore Airshow is only opened to public on 15th and 16th Feb
– Tickets are not sold on site, purchase them at this link, (Adult $22, Child 3-12 $9)
– Transport and Logistics options (Taxis)
* The acrobatic display timings and teams are listed at this link

Nat Geo Young Explorers wading at Sustainable Living Kampung

[ Media Invite ]

Thanks to Nat Geo Young Explorer (National Geographic), we went on a kampung trail last Sat. We will share two icons which make our trip so memorable.

1) Wading in the stream (Long3 Gang1) is super cool (pun intended).
Water is slightly cold, and bank is muddy, but once we got our toes wet, there was no turning back πŸ™‚

Natural stream in Singapore, where to find stream in Singapore

2) The second fun experience is Rubber Seed. Try rubbing this seed on the floor and throw it at someone! It will cause a slight burning sensation.

Daddy used to shout GRENADE! during playtime with his childhood pals.

There are a total of 5 outdoor workshops, and ours was at Sustainable Living Kampung, Bottle Tree park.
National Geographoc Young Explorer registration, National Geographoc Young Explorer workshops

To quote from Ground-up Initiative :
The Kampung Culture tour is a rustic journey through the old Kampung lifestyle where community and nature are intertwined. Discover the innovative and resilient spirit of the past that lives side by side with nature. Take a tour around Bottle Tree Park, learning about our natural and cultural heritage through simple hands on activities.

Singapore Kampong, educational trip to kampong

In the garden, we learn about herbs and how Ground-up is supporting sustainable lifestyle.

Farm at Bottle tree park, where is Ground-up initiative farm, farm in Singapore

Alas, chewing on Mint does not seem popular with Boon Wee.
How is taste of Mint

Our guide Hui Ying shared with us some of the native birds which might be spotted around Bottle Tree Park. The caged Golden Pheasant is not one of them :p

All sorts of fruits and seeds can be found along our trail.

Cashew nuts (lookalike), Jambu, Jackfruit, Lime, starfruit, and even rambutans. If only we have Durian trees πŸ™‚

How did Bottle Tree Park got it’s name?
Bottle Tree park, Bottle tree

Daddy used to steal borrow neighbour’s rambutans by trying to pull down bunches of rambutans, with stones or sticks. This generation’s kids are missing a lot of fun !
Wild rambutan Singapore

Gardening, kids grab their spade or hoe and proceed to dig and shovel. We did not know weeding could be so much Fun !

Kids now understand how Nature will recycle waste materials into compost, which can fertilise the soil again.

Boon Yee is not happy that the youngest always got to carry the pail :p

Fortunately, nobody had to clear the overgrown scrubs here !

Next, we hop onto a barge.

A mini river-crossing, feet dabbling in the pond, this ride is entertaining !
Thank you to friendly guide for providing oars power πŸ™‚
river activities at Bottle Tree park

A muddy experience awaits at the next stop. But first, we have to descend the slope with the help of a rope.
Nat Geo Young explorer

The reward is mud a walk along the natural stream !
Adults will find the Long3 Gang1 refreshing too.
Wow Kampung activities, Fun at Wow kampong

Mud, cool running water, lush greenery, serenity, Therapeutic experience (got it?)
Kids close their eyes to appreciate nature πŸ™‚

Video : Checkout their wading experience πŸ™‚

Everyone SHOUT if you enjoy wading in the stream !
river walk at Bottle Tree park

Our Rustic Kampung is just across the river.

Kampung lifestyle is happening and a novelty for our Urban kids.
Kampong lifestyle in Singapore, Singapore Kampong

* Take note the facilities and stream is normally not accessible to the public.
** For the actual workshops, parents are not supposed to tag along, as Nat Geo wants kids to learn independence too. Read FAQ here.

Wow Kampung, wow kampong

There are 5 workshops for kids 7 to 10 years old.

Kampung trail is very popular, thanks to Cheekiemonkie’s promotion πŸ™‚
Do pop by Mummy Vera’s Bukit Timah Nature Reserve (and cicada) review too.

Hurry, as last day of registration is 31st Jan.. After registration, you can choose your Workshops. Details here.
how to register for National Geographic workshops

We would like to thanks Nat Geo and Ground-up initiative (not forgetting Gwendoline for the invite) for preparing such a Fun itinerary for us πŸ™‚

** Some of the above activities are available under the Balik Kampung program. Do contact them for availability and registration.

You can find more Kampung photos on SengkangBabies Fanpage.

A lot of families were spotted catching guppies at Bottle Tree Park. We love the laid back landscape at this location, and we hope their lease will be extended.

More details about Nat Geo Young Explorer programmes :
– Nat Geo Young Explorer website
– age group 7 to 10
– bring along your mosquito repellant
– kids have to summit their worksheet at the end of the workshop, and 10 winners will enjoy 4D3N in wild Borneo !