Abrakadoodle – doodle your creativity

[ Sponsored ]

Abrakadoodle, it does sounds like the magic word, Abracadabra.
Boon Yee proudly showing off his horse artpiece, which Daddy thinks is fantastic (read better than magic)

We have been invited to trial Abrakadoodle’s art sessions (Marine Parade). In the centre, we spotted rows and rows of masterpieces. Although some are too abstract for Daddy, kids can be inspired.

Arts is very subjective, definitely no right or wrong, only expressions. Daddy is bursting with curiosity to find out whether Boon Yee and Boon Xin will enjoy their doodling class.
arts class Singapore

In their 10 weeks course, kids will learn 10 different techniques.
Teachers will demonstrate the skill but kids have to do their own drawing, everyone is encouraged to exercise their own creativity.

More about Abrakadoodle.

Love the engagement between teachers and students.
Daddy can hear Boon Xin giggling, a sure way she is enjoying her class.

And it all started with a shoe or feet. With their feet, they trace out the horse’s face!

Daddy learn that George Stubbs is a famous English painter from the 18th century, famous for his horse paintings.

During their class, kids will be introduced to colours, saturation, diagonal and shadows.
The last 15min of their class will be “Gallery”, a show and tell segment, where our junior painters will share their masterpiece.

This “show and tell” segment is rare in other arts classes. Parents will be able to hear kids relate why they choose a certain tone for their horses.

Horse and pony, the female horse got a colourful mane.
Unfortunately, Boon Xin was too shy to share her story 🙂

Back at home, Boon Xin is excited to show us how she started tracing her foot 🙂

We would like to thanks Abrakadoodle for sponsoring our kids.
You can pop by their Website and Fanpage for the latest arts activities.

These were March Holiday’s camps.
Holiday activities arts

Barbie doll and imaginative play

[ Sponsored Doll + Giveaway ]

Our girl with her Barbie doll.

Boon Xin grew up playing her brothers’ guns and swords. At one time, her reluctance to wear a dress got us worried.

When we were told that Barbie was celebrating 55 years of imaginative play, we got curious. In our home, SengkangBabies encourage unstructured play (that is, no instructions, no objectives, no deliverable, just plain simple PLAY).

Barbie has release a new doll, the Barbie® Iron-On Style™.
It comes with an iron for little girls to paste cute stickers onto Barbie’s clothes.

When Boon Xin saw Mattel’s video clip, she insist Daddy gets her an ironing Barbie doll.

Barbie’s latest doll is amazing, it makes ironing a breeze! Even Daddy is impressed.
Boon Xin just need to use the iron to press the stickers onto Barbie’s top, skirt or denim vest.

Another amazing discovery was this iron will not generate heat, and not does require battery! (Parents should remind little ones that real-life iron is dangerous.)

Boon Xin has to decide which pieces to assemble for Barbie. Fortunately, Mummy is at hand to help Boon Xin glam Barbie up express her girly creations.

Barbie’s skirt and top does looks nicer with the cute cats or dogs stickers.

32 pieces of accessories, for the little fashionista. The Barbie package comes with three tops, two skirts, one vest, one pair of shoes and a fab necklace.

That is an impressive wardrobe to keep Boon Xin occupied :p

Finally, a doll to call her own, no siblings will fight for her girly toy.

Barbie® Iron-On Style™ is retailing at $49.90 and available at Takashimaya and all TOYS ‘R’ US outlets. It is recommended for ages 5 up.

Thanks to Mattel, we have two sets of Barbie® Iron-On Style™ to giveaway 🙂

Contest Details :
1. Contest is on our Fanpage
2. Fans must first LIKE SengkangBabies Fanpage
3. Leave your name and email on our Fanpage (or you can message email address to us)

4. Share this page (refer step 3) on your Facebook Wall and tag @SengkangBabies
(so that we know you are participating)
5. Two winners will be randomly picked on 10Apr 11pm.