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Introducing Lego Nexo Knights. Think old school Lego Kingdom, knights, shields, and catapults. These kits have all been upgraded!
Getting kids engaged at a young age. Since young, Boon Xin always find it more fulfilling to join her brothers’ adventures.
What has not changed is the way LEGO allows kids to exercise their creativity and resourcefulness.
From the instruction menu, everyone can identify the parts and quantity. Fixing them in sequence, block by block and module by module, kids managed to build everything with minimum supervision.
Short Summary of LEGO Nexo Knights :
– 5 Knights, Clay, Macy, Lance, Aaron and Axl
– Their mentor wizard, Merlock 2.0.
Together, they have to fight Jestro (the evil jester) and their lava monster army.
Boon Yee taking his Lava Smasher down a path of destruction. (I think it is more fun to play the bad guy as their toys are always more cool!)
When I say hi-tech, these Nexo Knights can be upgraded in their app (WOW!). Download Merlock 2.0 app to bring the game to another level (and dimension!)
Merlock 2.0 is free on iTunes and Google Play. Kids’ characters can collect unique powers by scanning special codes.
Meanwhile, kids are embarking on another challenge, constructing the Fortrex (mobile castle!)
Checkout the new Nexo Knights cartoon series on Youtube, and do pop by LEGO Nexo Knights website for the latest updates.