1965 Movie is a nice show for the whole family

We won six tickets to watch the 1965 Movie through our KDK contest.
SG50 NDP is just over, and 1965 is still fresh in our minds.

Video: Lim Kay Tong plays Mr Lee Kuan Yew in the movie. And I dare say he really portrayed Mr Lee well, the mannerism and charisma.

Kids celebrate Racial Harmony day every year.
They might be too small to understand the unique feature of Singapore, where so many religion, culture and race stays together in harmony. To them, dressing in their traditional costumes and playing traditional games might be fun, but there is a message to bring home.

Topics involving Religion, Race, Language can be sensitive and divisive. I believe we are mature and sensitive enough to joke and tease each other. At work or in school, we embrace, respect and we give and take. Our kids in Indian, Malay and Chinese costume.

I would recommend 1965 Movie for school going kids. The show presents to them a totally different scenario which could evolve post 1965.

What if our leaders were not strong enough to pull the people together?
What if the separation from Malaysia turns ugly?
What if hidden forces (Konfrontasi) managed to tear our fragile society apart?

There might not even be a SG50 to talk about!

A whole generation has grown up in peace, expecting entitlements and ipads.
Although I did not went through war or tensions in Singapore’s history, I remembered clearly Dr Mahathir constantly threatening to cut off Singapore’s water in the 80s. Our Indonesian neighbour also gave us the now infamous “Little Red Dot” tag. Singapore is a small city state of 5 million, why should our neighbours, or even the world own us a living?

It is getting harder to remind the kids not to take Singapore’s peace for granted.
I hope there will not be a day when race and religion pulls Singaporean apart again.

Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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