Happy Birthday Singapore!
Singapore is anticipating the biggest Birthday bash of the year. Cars are showing off their little flags, students wore red and white to school on Friday.
Wow, are we 49 years old already?
For a nation, 49 years old is still relatively young.
Back in 1965, nobody even know whether Singapore will survive another day.
No water nor sanitation, no jobs, no army to protect ourselves.
It is a miracle that we had even survived our infancy!
What if communists had overrun SE Asia?
What if Singapore never split from Malaysia?
What if EDB did not manage to secure jobs for Sinagpore?
We only had swarm lands in the 60s and 70s, it is amazing how they have all transformed into thriving towns today.
Singapore has no hinterland to fall back on, our only assets is our people.
Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his comrades (and our pioneers) for bringing Singapore from Third world to First world.
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We do not even have to look far to see how our fates could have played out.
Look at the slums in some of our neighbours’ backyard, where people has no shelter, worry about their meal, and families are subject to sickness.
Alas, we have taken so many things for granted.
Some have even question whether we need a strong army to protect ourselves.
Is life really so good in Singapore that we have become conceited?
The world does not own us a living, never was the case in 1965, and definitely not today.
If we cannot protect ourselves, why would anyone bother to help us?
Video : We started our day with a simple breakfast. Egg and toast, fishball noddles and kopi. Simple joy, simple blessings. Have we ever wonder how much of our breakfast ingredient are imported?
The challenge is how to bring up the next generation to appreciate that nothing in Singapore should be taken for granted.
We are all waiting for National Day Parade on TV, so that we can sing Majulah Singapura and recite our pledge. Happy Birthday Singapore !
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