Singapore NDP 2019

09 Aug, Singapore NDP 2019 celebrates both 54th Nation-building and SG’s Bicentennial. National Day Parade will be at Padang, and Mobile column will be one of the highlights.

Theme for Singapore NDP 2019 is Our Singapore.

We park at Kallang and took the train to Padang area. You should not park near Padang, unless you wish to be stuck in 1 hour jams (both nearby carparks and main road!)

Walking from Esplanade MRT to Padang. We purposely detour so we can catch some Leopards. They are park just outside Suntec city, read our blog NDP Mobile Column post here.

We have not been successful in balloting for the tickets for the 8th year now. But we manage to get Preview because of my previous community engagement with Mindef (Accord).

The current Accord “Blogger” is Kelvin from Cheekiemonkies, read his NDP review here.

We had gathered at National Gallery. Love the Window, peeping out to the Padang. Singapore NDP 2019 is ready to rock in a blast of colours.

NDP 2019 Padang
NDP 2019 Padang

Before we go to Parade proper, we would like to share two NDP related clips.

1) Mobile Column supercut by Tedd, this fellow collected all these clips from all the Saturday rehearsals! You should checkout his previous videos on Mindef and Home Team in action πŸ™‚

2) I got goosebumps listening to this soulful rendition of Majulah Singapura. Sang by Ramli Sarip, but the verdict is mixed. Not everyone appreciate this rock rendition πŸ™‚

One more day to Singapore NDP 2019 πŸ™‚


Cheerleaders and hosts are dressed in vibrant colours to rouse the crowd. We sang along to popular songs and disturb the “simulated” MP and Ministers. Only Defence Minister Dr Ng is real during our Preview :p

Red Lions wow the crowd. I am always amazed at how they weave in and out between Swissotel and nearby skyscrapers!

One moment you see them, the next moment the wind might push them out of sight, but they always land to loud applause!

A different type of mobile column, depicting Singapore’s growing-up brands and institutions. From the first hospital (SGH) to bank, Post office to Robinsons!

From 1819 to 2019, this is Little Red Dot’s 200 years of history and heritage.

Happy to see special needs drummers together with SAF’s Band.

Contingents form up. What many do not realise is the number of hours and sweat behind all this preparation. Soldiers might enjoy shorter weekends with loved one, volunteers are clocking in because of pride and passion.

Our Love for Singapore πŸ™‚


National Flag fly pass, we sang Majulah Singapura with gusto and pride.

As Dr Ng inspected the parade, 21 gun salute echoed from Marina Bay area.

RSAF airbus A330 flank by F15 streak across the sky. Kids might not understand why Singapore air force need to refuel in the air.

Parade march off, and we can already hear diesel engines rumbling around the corner.

While all the actions are rolling, take a minute to soak in the beautiful colonial and urban landscape around the Padang.

Singapore is a beautiful city.

Leopards and some Merdeka Pioneers led the Mobile Column along St Andrew’s Road.

From 1960’s AMX 13 to 21st century’s Leopards. A lot has changed.

Singapore AMX to Leopard
Singapore AMX to Leopard

Navy brought in their Harpoon and Torpedo, Army brought their Asters!

NDP Mobile Column Harpoon
NDP Mobile Column Harpoon

Salute to our Merdeka soldiers and Police! Thank you Uncles!
(Where are the Merdeka service woman?)

NDP Merdeka Soldiers
NDP Merdeka Soldiers

Red and white, backdrop of National Gallery. Can you spot the spaceship dome (Supreme court) ?

Performance, highlighting Singapore’s multiculturalism and rich diversity. Burst of colours from Chinese, Indian, Malay and Eurasians.

I hope I would get to see the day when our NRIC remove Race and only indicate Singaporean πŸ™‚

The next Act was more futuristic. Spacesuits, rapping and lasers fill the Padang arena!

Got concert feel πŸ™‚

NDP Padang photos
NDP Padang photos

Thousands ofΒ  “NDP watches” will synchronised in blue and green and other colours.

Quite impressive, just like fireflies flickering around Padang!

The Lion enter the stage. It weighs 1 ton and reaches 6m!

Fireworks bring our Parade near to finale. We sang Majulah Singapura and cite our Pledge again πŸ™‚

Proud to be Singaporeans!

NDP 2019 Fireworks
NDP 2019 Fireworks


We wave Goodbye and say our thanks to the volunteers πŸ™‚

Video : 4 min of NDP Parade, fantastic display of emotion and pride

Just a shoutout to the NDP Goodie Bag, which happens to be an Emergency bag too.Β  We can simply scan the QR code and get free CPR training.

In times of emergency, this bag should be on standby (with all the emergency barang barang).

If you wish to watch NDP from home, perhaps Mobile Column will roll to your neighbourhood?

Take note NDP happens on Friday and Mobile Column (Heartlands) on Saturday 10Aug πŸ™‚

Do pop by our Fanpage for more Singapore NDP 2019 Photos.

NDP 2019 Photos
NDP 2019 Photos

You still have a chance to catch some of the Mobile Column vehicles this Friday! Read our Mobile Column blog here.

Our previous NDP are documented here

Image credit NDPeeps


Author: SengkangBabies

I am a Blogging Daddy of four. Our kids are roaming Singapore to bring you FUN, This blog is use to capture our kids' growing up phases, and we want you to leave our blog with a smile :) View all posts by SengkangBabies

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